Friends...? Maybe a little More?

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Before I could register what he said, I was pushed against the wall. His lips smashing against mine. He forced his tongue into my mouth and sucked on my lips. It was going too fast. I couldn't keep up. He broke the kiss and marked a trail of small kisses down my neck. I gasped for air and my fingers slid into his hair. I moaned when he bit my neck and wide eyed I stared into the dark. Wait did I just-? 

Too late, he continued and I bit my lip holding back the moan. He licked a sweat drop running down my neck and I shuddered. Then he leaned back before placing his forehead against mine. It was dark but I could make out his eyes. He grabbed onto my hips. "Katsu- aaah-" He grind his member against mine. "W-wait" I stuttered, reaching for his hands, but he did it again and I let out a whine. 

"The noises you make turn me on," he whispered. 

"Ka-aah-".... "Wai-" he kissed me and grind against me at the same time and I moaned into his mouth. I struggled to remove his hands, but with each grind this tingling feeling rose up my back and I stopped fighting him altogether. He finally broke the kiss and at this point I was grinding with him. I bit my lip when he did an excruciatingly slow grind. My hands that were on his trailed up under his shirt and he hummed. 

This time I kissed him and my fingers trailed his body as we moved together. "Hmm, Katsuki," I whispered. I could almost hear his smirk when he replied teasingly.

"Izuku?" It felt really good and I moved and licked his neck. 

"Can I pleasure you now?" Where was this coming from? I wasn't like this. 'Hell yeah you,' are a voice screamed at the back of my head. 'Do it!' 

I trailed down his neck with my tongue and then a door opened and we could hear laughter. The air stuck in my throat . WE'RE IN A FREAKING CLOSET. I gasped for air as I pulled down Katsuki's shirt. Frantically we tried to erase all signs of our, Uhum dirty deeds. They were already really close. I stared into the darkness in front of me and bit my lip. Quickly I reached out and pulled Katsuki to me by his belt and kissed him full on the lips one last time, before pushing him back against the wall. 

Just as I placed my hand against the wall the door made a clicking sound and opened. The light was blinding at first. "So ladies. How was it?" Mineta started and I heard a cry of pain and a stumbling sound followed by;

"Don't ever do that again, dumb-ass!!" It was Katsuki. 

When my eyes got used to the light I saw Mineta on the other side of the room. The rest of the students were laughing. "Ka-Chan!" I exclaimed. He turned his head and looked at me. His eyes ran over me for a quick second and a small smirk appeared on his face before he turned around and walked to where Mineta was getting up, Uraraka trying to stop him. 

No one was looking at me. No one except Todoroki. I walked out of the closet and he stopped me silently putting his finger to my lips. He moved my shirt up a bit near my neck and I looked a little shocked. "I bet it was hot in there," he whispered. My face turned red and he smirked. Then he turned around as if nothing happened. 

When Uraraka managed to calm down the raging Katsuki she looked at me. "Are you okay, Deku-kun? You look exhausted," she said worriedly. 

"I'm alright. I would like a glass of water though." 

"Coming right up," Kirishima said happily. He left the room and everyone followed him. 

Kirishima started telling Katsuki what he supposedly missed out on. Momo ran to him begging not to tell Katsuki and everyone started laughing again. I was the last one to leave and in the hallway when I walked past a mirror I couldn't help myself and moved my shirt. 

The skin were Bakugo had bitten me had turned red. I traced it with my finger and smiled. "I can put more if you want me to." Startled I looked at Katsuki who was standing at the end of the hall with a glass of water. 


He walked to me and handed me my drink. I took it with a smile. "You haven't answered my question," he continued. I looked at my feet a little nervous. 

"I'd... like that." 

"Good, because even if you said no." I looked up, "I'd still do it." My eyes grew large and and he grinned widely. "Come on. They are waiting." I downed my drink and followed him quickly. When we entered the room Mineta couldn't help but say;

"What? Needed an extra five minutes in the closet?" but he shut up when Katsuki looked at him with murderous intent. Everyone started laughing again. I enjoyed myself for the rest of the night. Also trust me when I say. After that. It was best to not leave us alone. 

"Why is that?" the dark haired teen asked tilting her head to the side with a wide grin on her face. 


"Come on now. If you keep talking we'll never get there in time." I laughed 

"Sorry, Katsuki. Yayoi was just so excited to know." 

"Maybe next time," Katsuki said. Yayoi pouted. "Tsk. Fine- No story, but you do get a bonus." My head got tilted back and he kissed me deeply on the lips. 

Yayoi clapped her hands excitedly. "Thank you for the story, Uncle Izuku!" 

"No problem," I ruffled her hair. "Now let's go." She got up and walked out of the living room. 

"Ready?" Katsuki asked as he helped me up. I smiled. 

"Ready as I'll ever be, Katsuki."


And Done! I actually liked how I did this one... yeah. Hehe I hope you liked it. If you did, don't forget to vote! :} Thank you for taking the team to read. Till next time. Ice~

Edit: It's been three years. Lol Hi. I came back to edit this. I don't even remember the time I wrote this. But it was nice to come back and look at old work. I feel so sorry for the people that had to deal with my mistakes. Well it was a good learning experience. 

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