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It's dark. Too dark. Seriously it's unnaturally dark. 

Katsuki grumbles. It frightens me. He's breathing against my left ear. I feel the blush creeping up my neck as I try to keep my breathing under control. Can he hear the difference? We're so close. I bet he can. Oh how did I get myself into this!? 

I've been thinking about what Todoroki said all day and all night. Me? He likes me? Also he said I have a thing for Katsuki. That can't be right? I mean we only started becoming friends again a few days ago... What if I really like him?  I walked quietly down the hall looking at the ground. 

"Oi!" The sudden sound shocked me out of my thoughts and I looked back. It was Katsuki, he looked annoyed. "Where were you this morning??" he asked with a scowl. 

"Ah- Sorry, sorry. I was thinking about something and must have forgotten," I replied apologetically lifting my hand. 

"Tsk, you're going to get hit by a car if you don't stop that." 

"Hah- I'll make sure I don't get hit," I continued. Todoroki was right behind him. He looked at me with his calm eyes before slightly bowing his head. I smiled nervously and a small smile appeared on his face. Then he passed us and head to the classroom. 

"It was you're idea to walk to school together," Katsuki continued not paying any mind to Todoroki. 

"I know. I'm sorry." 

"Geez. At least tell me you already passed my house," he continued walking. "I just thought you were running late so I stood there for a good fifteen minutes. I'll kill you next time!" He entered the classroom. Waited for me? Katsuki? What? Am I dreaming? 

I couldn't give it much thought because the buzzer rang, so I quickly ran into class taking my seat for homeroom.

When the buzzer for lunch rang and Aizawa-Sensei left the room. Kirishima stood up and with a big smile on his face he said, "All of you are invited to my party tomorrow!! Yes even you Bakugou!!" 

Some of the students started giggling and Katsuki sent them a glare. "I'm not going." 

"Ye you are! Even if I have to drag you from your house to mine!" Now everyone started laughing.


"But we don't know where you live." Tsuyu-Chan started. 

"That's okay! I have these!" He pulled out a stack of invitations. 

"How many people are coming?" Tokoyami asked. 

"Hmm just you guys." 

"That's so sad!" Toru-chan said. 

"I don't know if that's an insult or you being sympathetic, but it's cool!" Kirishima smiled. "I'd like to invite you all. My parents aren't home this weekend," he whispered to the guys with a smirk. Todoroki lifted and eyebrow. Tokoyami looked away. "So what do you guys say??" 

Everyone agreed and then he handed out the invitations. I was pulling out my bento box when Todoroki walked up to me. I started fidgeting with my uniform. "I'm not going to eat you Midorya-kun," he said with a small smile handing me an invitation. 

"T-thanks," I replied quietly placing it in my bag. 

"You know Midorya..." I looked up. "Not because you know, means we can't be friends." 

"Ah- Yeah- yeah..." I nodded frantically. He smiled again. One you don't often see and then Uraraka showed up. 

"Hey Todoroki-kun. Hey Deku-kun. Wanna eat Lunch together?" 

"I don't mind," Todoroki answered. Then he looked a me. 

"S-sure Uraraka-Chan." The rest of the day passed.

I was walking home with Katsuki now. It was quiet. Then I spoke. "Are you going to Kirishima-kun's party?" 

"Yeah" he mumbled.

"Ah cool! I am too." 

"I knew that." It's silent.

"Do you want to go together?" His head slightly turned to look at me. 


Why? Why? Why? Why? Mineta I hate you!!! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this situation. What situation you ask?  

I sigh... I was stuck in a closet with Bakugou Katsuki for fifteen minutes. A drop of sweat rolls  down my forehead and I gulp. It had been quiet for the last eight minutes. I've been listening to his steady breathing for awhile now. He hardly moved. I gulped again. 

"S-sorry Katsuki"

"It's not your fault. Why are you even apologizing??" he answered back. 

"Well you're stuck in a closet with me and I thought you might get annoyed since it's hot and you're clothes might get wrinkled and..." 

He leaned in and put his arm around me covering my mouth with his hand. "Don't start with that gibberish or then I'll really dislike being in here. I tried to move his hand. He was too close 


"Sshh-" He pressed it on tighter and my heart rate increased. Now I frantically tried to remove it. "Oi... Ah-" 

"Katsuki, please I just..." 

"Shut u-" I slipped on something on the ground in my struggle to turn around. In the process of falling I pushed against his legs and he fell too. Some coats in the closet fell on top of us. "Ah great Idiot look what you di-" 


We both stopped talking realizing how close we were. We couldn't see, but we could feel our breaths on each others faces. I'm sure that if he could see my face would be as red as a tomato. My lips started shaking. He smelled nice. His usual musky scent and some cologne. 


"Y-yes, Katsuki?" I answered. I regretted it because my voice was shaking. 

"Why were you looking at me while I was helping Todoroki?" I gulped hard. Oh no. He noticed. I had still been thinking about what Todoroki said and that morning I did realize I liked Katsuki. 

"I don't... I mean, I wasn't... I-" His hair brushed against my forehead as he moved closer. "K-Katsuki what are y-?" 

"Tsk- You talk to much," he silenced me by pressing his lips against mine. For a few seconds I didn't move. Then my eyes slowly shut and I kissed him back. What am I doing? Kissing? Is this my first kiss? Yeah- Wait no I- Shh... Enjoy it. My hands locked behind Katsuki's neck in an attempt to pull him closer. He came down a bit more and we started moving in sync. 

Odd... On the battlefield we couldn't really work together but here in a closet, we were kissing and our movements were like that of lifelong partners. His hands that were on the wall moved down to caress my sides. He pushed my lips apart an sucked on my tongue. I'm ashamed of the noises that escaped me, but they seemed to fuel his movements. After about four minutes of making out he grumbled and grabbed onto my arms pulling back. 

"My back hurts." He then traced down my body looking for the ground and stood up. It sounded like he was trying to hang the coats again before getting annoyed and shoving them on a shelf in the back. Then he reached down in the dark and helped me up. My lips were still wet from our kiss and sweat ran down my back. He stood there silently for a bit before saying;  "I don't know how long it's been but they should be coming to get us soon..." 

"Y-yeah," is the only thing I could let out as an answer. I let my finger go through my hair and wiped my mouth... and I don't know why, but before I could stop myself, I whispered, "That felt good."

I am so happy with what happened after that. All Katsuki said was "Screw it."


Hehehehehehe I like this. I hope you did too! Deku is so cute :} My little baby. I relate so much. Also Thank you for reading! Ice~

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