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The first ever Banner of SWTM made by spellrox Thank you so much, love! It's really beautiful

If you want to send covers/posters, Feel free to contact me via email: thetellaraaz@gmail.com, I would love to see!

Song: Lies in the Dark - Tove Lo

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Fear was what I felt as he led the way inside his mansion. My heart was racing with anticipation of what I was about to get. Though I had been here earlier, it wasn't giving me a good instinct like it did the last time.

The aura of the number of men dressed in suits, the air around us cold and tense was terrifying. But they looked nothing in front of Aaron who seemed to be the most dangerous one amongst them.

Aaron looked like he owned and trained each one of them, as if he was the king of them. And no matter how much that made my heart jump, I wanted to believe that this was all just a lie.

A horrible lie.

Huge doors were pushed open by the guards who stood to the side, their eyes set hard to the front, unwavering and undefined. The good mood had left my face the second I stepped here, may be the thought of him changing again was not acceptable to my heart. I just hoped this new Aaron wouldn't make me feel the way I'm thinking.

I looked upon the giant sofa being placed in the middle of the living room, the interior of it matching the whole place. A beautiful chandelier hung over the top, the ornaments mirroring us, shimmering off between the brightness. How the hell I missed it all? It was so welcoming.

My legs started to walk on their own accord, leaving Aaron behind me, I entered the kitchen tiled in white, flashing perfectly with the light. It was the same like I saw before, the only difference was that, it wasn't empty anymore. A number of cooks and maids were working with an interest and skill that made them look graceful in the field of their work. Not once did they stopp and looked at me.

The different amount of foods were being prepared, the aromas filling the whole place. I wondered if there was any specific occasion for the preparation of these wonderful foods. Nonetheless, I disregarded the questions, making my way out of the kitchen. I was engrossed with the beauty of the mansion that I didn't notice bumped to.

"I'm sorry!" I said and held onto her shoulders, helping her to stand still. Her big grey eyes fell on me, those irises seeming familiar to me. I had seen her before and I was very sure of that but I couldn't remember where and how. I whacked my brain; trying to gain a piece of memory about her.

She smoothed out her blonde hair, tucking a stray behind her ear. Her perfect eyebrows knitted together in confusion and I swear the little act matched exactly like Aaron's expression.

Before I thought anything, Aaron came to stand behind her, his hand sliding around her shoulder. I would be lying if I said that gesture did not have me feeling a little jealous.

"Tigrotto, Meet my sister, Amor." My breathing struck as he introduced his sister, an imperceptible smile on his face while she- Amor had a vibrant one.

I smacked myself internally for feeling jealous or whatever it was since she was only his sister. I should stop over thinking on situations like these, it was only a minor thing. With a smile on my face, I held out my hand for her to shake. Her beautiful grey eyes shone up as she came closer and took my hand, just to pull me in a warm hug.

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