Book II - | 24 |

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Song: Martin Garrix feat. Khalid - Ocean


It's amazing
what women in love will do.

- Classy Quotes



            "I'm going to the church."

Drake stopped grating the cheese for his lasagna which was almost done and gave me a look. I rolled my eyes, searching for the oversized hood in my closet.

"You do know they are still searching for you," He said as I shrugged on the hood, gathering my hair to a side.

"They are not. And it's Aaron's birthday, everyone will be busy with his family."

"Ava, Your dad strictly ordered me to not let you leave this house—"

"Which sucks. It's suffocating and I need fresh air, please?" I was rummaging through the drawer in the closet, hastily trying to find the envelope I had kept under some paperworks which belonged to dad.

I didn't even know dad had an underground house—that's what I thought it was—until I remembered that time when he left note saying he had to be in Italy for work. It probably was because of him and the forces took too long to realise that Aaron was already in London before they went looking for him to the other country.

A rush of breath escaped from my mouth when I finally found the silver sterling cross that I bought few weeks ago, carefully sliding it inside the envelope, including a letter.

"Come on, Ava, they don't know about the things that has changed and you look—" He paused when he saw me all ready to get out of here, "—like you are ready to go."

I pursed my lips, "We already had this talk. No one should know about that. Not even Dad, okay?"

Drake nodded reluctantly and I tried to smile, "Amedeo is going to ruin Aaron's day and I really don't want him to kill anyone, at least not today. I need to finish what I—"

"No, this war is not yours, Ava. This is between a father and his son. You are just going to get yourself killed by stepping into it," He said in a tired voice.

I shook my head, completely understanding that he wasn't going to let me go. I headed straight to the door, ignoring everything he has been telling me all day long. I didn't care about the risk that I might end up on. Maybe I would get caught but I could not just sit right here and let Amedeo kill Elvika.

"But I started this. I swear I will be back soon. I'm not going there to stay and celebrate with them." I turned around, kissing his cheek and smiling at him. "Please don't tell dad."

Drake doesn't look pleased but he nodded.  As I took off the stairs, I pulled the hood over my head, thinking about how bigger his birthday event was going to be when noticing the empty parking basement. I kept walking down the streets and thankfully I knew where I was going to because Amedeo had told me. Fortunately, it was the same Church I had been to for few times.

I just wished Drake would not tell dad about this or I was pretty much in for a very long talk which wouldn't end until I felt too bad for not obliging to their kind of protection. But how did Aaron fail to find me?

Wasn't this his city? Doesn't he know every single nook and corner?

Maybe because it was clearly made to not be found. And I did not want that too.

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