It's Disney Weekend Everyone! (part 1)

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Skylar came breezing into the living room all smiles and bouncing excitement. “Does everyone know what this weekend is?

“No and might I mention that we also don’t care,” A’Cadia replied.

Skylar deflated at her words and her lips stuck out in a pout. “That’s just mean.”

“And your point is, what, exactly?” A’Cadia asked her with raised eyebrows.

“I’m ignoring you now. I’m not going to let you ruin this weekend.”

“And here I was trying so hard.”

Skylar didn’t reply, instead she went on with her little announcement. “This weekend it’s time for our annual DISNEY WEEKEND!” she announced gushingly as her voice rose to a near shout of excitement at the end.

“Disney weekend? What’s a Disney weekend?” Ziva asked her.

Mellissa jumped up and rushed over to stand beside Skylar. “It’s only the most awesome weekend of the year! We dress up as Disney characters and burst into random song! ALL WEEKEND!”

“Oh joy. I think I’ll go stay with my mother this weekend.”

Mellissa cocked her head to one side and stared at A’Cadia. “I thought you and your mom didn’t like, you know, get along. Doesn’t she drive you crazier than Craig when the time line changed?”

“Yes, she does. I think she’d drive me less insane than you people dressed as cartoon characters and singing all those crap songs.”

Skylar stomped a foot. “They are not poop! Everyone is participating and there will be no arguing. I’ve already made the costumes.”

“I said crap not poop.”

Ziva chuckled and then looked at Skylar. “You would go and make the costumes before you actually got any of us to agree to this stupid idea.”

“It is an annual event. She does this every year. You had better get used to it,” Craig told them with a slight shrug.

“Wait, you go along with this garbage?” Ziva stared at him incredulously.

“Yeah it’s either go along with it or listen to Skylar whimper and cry all weekend. Your choice.”

Both Ziva and A’Cadia winced. Neither wanted a weeping Skylar on their hands. She had perfected the guilt trip crying fit. She’d probably sit in a corner with her arms wrapped around her knees rocking back and forth and sniffling pathetically, no one wanted to hear that for an entire weekend, better to just go along with it.

Annabelle stood, smiling brightly. “Well I just think it’s a wonderful idea y’all.”

“Of course you would,” Mellissa grumbled beneath her breath.

Skylar patted Mellissa on the shoulder. “I’m going to give you your character assignments and your costumes so you’ll be set for us to start first thing in the morning!”

Mellissa stood beside Skylar with her fingers crossed and her eyes squeezed shut muttering beneath her breath. “Please not the little mermaid again. Please not the little mermaid again.”

“Mellissa, you are going to be Merida.”

“Yes! Ooooh, I’m gonna go try on my costume right now!” She rushed from the room clutching her costume tightly.

“Angela, you’re Rapunzel, Here you go.”

Angela squealed in delight as she examined the long blond wig that went with the costume. “Thanks Skylar! Oh look at the wig it’s gorgeous! You made it all like when they get to the village when her hair is braided with the flowers!” Skylar smiled at her before looking down at her list to see who was next.

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