Ethan's POV
It was around 5:00 and I was ready for the day. We were going on a trip through the island today. I packed everyone's backpack with fish. I put an extra fish in Kayla's backpack, she deserves it after that dinner she got us.Soon Veronica woke up. "Hey, Ethan." She said, getting up. "Hey. Can you help me? I'm preparing everyone's backpack with food for our trip." I said closing off mister Smith's backpack. I took away 1 of his fishes. He doesn't deserve it, not with what he wants to do with Kayla. Me and Veronica put some of the coconuts in the backpacks.
When everyone woke up, we all sat down at the fireplace. "We are going in about half an hour, so get ready."(20 minutes later)
I walked a bit into the woods, trying to find a silent place. I picked up a piece of wood, pulled out my pocket knife and started cutting the wood.
2 minutes into cutting my wood, I hear a voice, like the voice of an angel.♪I'm bulletproof nothing to loseFire away, fire awayRicochet, you take your aimFire away, fire awayYou shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titaniumYou shoot me down but I won't fallI am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium ♪
I walked over to where the voice came from, to see Kayla singing. I hid behind a bush and listened to her voice.
I accidentally leaned in too far and fell down. Kayla turned around and was scared when she saw me. "H-have you be-en listening" "Yes, and you have the voice of an angel. Why didn't I know this?" "Because, what if you don't like it?" "As I said, you have the voice of an angel. There is no way that people won't like it. You should be a singer." "Thanks Ethan, but I have stage fright. There are so many things that could go wrong. I mean, what if I fall off stage? Or hit the wrong note? Or forget my lyrics? And most of all, what if we won't get back to the real wo-." Right as Kayla said that, I pressed my lips to hers. Her eyes went wide but then closed. I broke the kiss.
"Trust me, Kayla. You won't do any of that stuff. You're amazing. And I know that other people will think that too." She then hugged me, the tightest she could. I hugged her back. "Come on, let's go back." I said, holding Kayla's hand. When we went back, we were ready to leave. Grayson held a rope in his hand. "We can stay together with this rope. If everyone holds the rope, we will stay together."
Kayla's POV
"I'll stay behind Kayla." I heard Ethan and mister Smith say in unison. "You know, mister Smith. I would actually love to sit in the back of the group, and I think that a strong man should stay in front." I said, playing with my hair. Ethan looked confused at me. I winked at him and his face expression told me that he got it."Yeah, I mean, you're an adult. I'm just a stupid teen. I should stay in front of Kayla, because I I'm not strong, and not a man." Ethan said, hoping for him to go with it.
"Alright everyone, because I'm a strong man I go in front." Everyone shrugged. And looked at the sea. "So the order is Mister Smith, Grayson, Veronica, Sharon, Ethan and then Kayla. Anyone who doesn't like it?" "I'm okay with it." Grayson said, looking at Veronica. "Well then, let's go!" Ethan said. We all picked up our bags and started walking into the woods.
"So, have you ever thought about doing something with your voice?" Ethan said, looking back at me. "No, and I never will." "You are like, amazing. So what is your favorite song?" "Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran." "Really? I love that song!" Ethan turned around but still walking. "You don't seem like a guy that would like that." "You don't know me enough. Really, ask Grayson. We would always do karaoke with me singing that. He's really good on his keyboard." "Do you play an instrument?" "No, you?" "Yeah, I play guitar." "Are you good at it?" "I can play a bit," I shrugged. "Let's see how far we have to go."
Thank you so much for 100 reads! 100... That's like, a lot! You are really amazing ❤️ . Maybe we'll even get to 150? THANK YOU SO MUCH

Stranded Survival // Ethan Dolan
ФанфикWhat happens when you are stuck on an island with the Dolan Twins, your best friend, a random girl, and your perverted gym teacher? ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE Grayson walked over to me. "Hey, you alright?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, you have two guys on you whi...