The Morning After

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I woke with someone drilling a hole into my skull. Not a pleasant experience, I can tell you. The light spilling into my room made me uncomfortably hot. I kick the covers off my body, letting the cool air settle on my heated skin. Lazily I scratch my side, coming to the realization that I'm not wearing a shirt. Glancing down, I find myself to be entirely barren of clothing. Huh. I don't remember stripping last night.

With a long sigh, I stretch my arms above my head and let them fall back onto the mattress. Except I hit something. Something warm. My eyes slowly open, squinting into the light of the day. At first all I can see is a blinding white, but after a moment my sight adjusts. My room came into focus. The curtains are lopsided, allowing a single sliver of sunlight to fall right across my face. I turn my head to the side, partly to avoid the light, and partly because I want to know what the bloody hell is beside me.

More like who.

Why is Louis laying next to me? My heart starts to pound, making my headache worse. I grimace and push myself up onto my elbows, surveying my room. Door closed. First red flag. I usually keep my door open because this room can get stuffy at night, even with my window cracked. A bottle of booze is mocking me from my bedside table. Second red flag. This would explain why I remember sweet fuck all about what happened last night. The last thing I recall is Liam saying goodnight and heading up. And someone shouting very excitedly. I'm sure I was with Louis, but not in my room...

Except here he is.

Final red flag. My eyes caught a piece of white on the dark of my floor, half-hidden beneath my bed. I lean over and pull it up into the light. A shirt. White with stripes. I don't wear stripes. None of us do. None but Louis. I drop the shirt as if it burned me, falling back against my pillow. My breathing sped up as I force my gaze to fall on the body pressing against my side. Louis lay on his back, his bare chest rising and faling deeply as his eyes moving beneath the lids. I lay there, still and silent, watching Louis as he slept.

Suddenly, another thought pops into my head. If he's shirtless... I glance down at the covers that are hiding the lower half of Louis' body.

Why am I suddenly so nervous? The boys and I have seen each other naked so many times it's not even worth feeling self conscious about. Regardless, my heart is pounding, making my head hurt more with the sudden blood rush. I lean forward slightly, my hand trembling as I slowly lift the cover to reveal Louis' lower torso and legs.

I can't contain the sigh of relief that flies from my mouth when I see that he has his boxers on. I hold the covers higher, discovering that he must have kicked his pants off last night and they got bunched up at the end of the bed. I slowly lower the covers back onto Louis, pulling them up to fall on his chest. He looks cold, goosebumps covering his skin.

As I settle back against my pillows, I try to remember anything about last night. All I get is laughing, and talking. I feel like at some point it was just Louis and I, but I can't be sure of it. My eyes unconsciously drift back to the shape of Lou's legs beneath the covers. Why had I gotten so worked up if Lou had been naked?

It takes me a moment but when it hits me, I feel my heart jolt with shock.

If he had been naked, and I had been naked, it would have meant that something.... happened. Especially with the door being closed, and alcohol being involved. Who bloody knows what could have transpired. My thoughts start to feel more frantic. But I usually sleep nude. So it could still mean that nothing happened at all.

I rub my face vigorously with both hands, forcing myself not to let out a frustrated groan. If only I could remember.

The softest of sighs floats to my ears. I let my hands fall to my sides and watch as Louis rolls onto his stomach and moves his arms under the pillow that cradles his head. He nuzzles his face into it and let out another content sigh. I shake my head at myself. I'm being ridiculous. Nothing happened last night. The lads and I were just drinking together and goofing off. Louis probably came in and shut the door and we talked before falling asleep. Naked. Well, mostly naked in Lou's case. I need to stop getting myself worked up about this. I let my eyes wander from Louis' relaxed face down his back.

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