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"Has anyone seen the new girl?" asked Victoria getting in her car.

"I didn't see her after lunch. Maybe she went home early," said Angel getting in the backseat.

"Maybe you scared her off. I haven't seen Prince either," said Victoria. Angel pretended not to hear her comment and put his earphones in his ears. Just as the new girl had appeared, she had disappeared like she was never there. In spite of my urge to join in this hot topic I knew we had better things to do. The dance was around the corner and we still had a lot to do.

"Alright, I got the list of everything we still need to get for Saturday," I said looking at the list in my hands. About thirty minutes later we were at the party store. Once we parked we got out and got to work. Victoria got all the table cloths, Angel got all the balloons, and I got the center pieces.

"That should be everything," I said checking everything off the list. I'm glad we got that done, but we still had a lot to get done. We left almost  everything at the venue then went on to finish business. We dropped off Angel first before we went to my house and got back to work. While I added the final touches on the playlist she checked to see how many tickets were still needed to be sold.

"I hope nothing goes wrong, that would be hell," I said closing my laptop.

"Jade relax, we've worked hard trying to put this together. Everything will be fine," said Victoria adjusting her glasses. She was right, I was just going to end up stressing myself out. I relaxed a little and laughed, letting myself sink deep into the couch.

"You think the new girl would want to come?" I asked.

"I don't know, she just got here and she doesn't know a lot of people. We'll just have to wait and see," said Victoria pausing her writing to look at the ticket sale sheet. She had a point, but I feel like the dance would be a good time to for her to meet new people.

"How are the sales looking?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Everything looks good so far, now that only thing we need to worry about is the caterers, I have a bakery and a deli coming for that. I already have them the address for the venue and the time, so they should be there on time if the weather permits it,"she said stacking all the papers together.

"I think we'll need to worry about Brittany and the rat pack causing a scene, especially if Angel brings a date. I'm not in the mood to deal with drama on one if the best nights ever,"I said taking a bite out of one of the cookies that were on the table.

"He's been head over heels for the new girl since we first saw her. I've never seen him like this before. I don't I don't blame him though, she's absolutely beautiful. We'll definitely have trouble there, but that's if he can convince her to be his date," said Victoria taking one as well.

"Maybe Vincent and Prince will come, we never see them at school dances," I said  putting paper clips on everything.  Victoria shrugged her shoulders slightly as she finished the cookie in her hand.

"Vincent is always working, and as for Prince he seems like a bit of a loner. Angel could probably talk them into coming," she said wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Maybe we could do something afterwards, like go to a movie," she added a few minutes later. She then gathered all the paperwork together and put it into a red folder with all the other information for the dance. Once everything was secure she started to pack up her things. Before she left we went over the decoration plan and set everything in stone.

"Seems like everything is in order, see you later," she said walking down the driveway to her car.

"Drive safe," I said waving at her from the front door. Victoria waved back and smiled, then proceeded to race off down the street. A couple of hours later my dad came in from work. For a short time we talked about our day then we headed to bed.

But I couldn't sleep. In spite of having everything done, I was still worried about the dance. To calm my nerves I turned on some music and double all of my appointments for Friday. Once I did that I tried on my costume for the millionth time since I had bought it. Although my diet plan didn't go as I wanted it still fit perfectly.

"It's one in the morning, go to sleep Jade," I said looking at the clock on my nightstand. I crawled in my bed and finally went to sleep, but not before over thinking the days to come.

 Immortal Hearts Book 1:Love Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now