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" I'm so excited!!! Tomorrow everyone will see how hard we worked and it will be awesome!!" squealed Jade. She's been talking about the dance nonstop since I picked her up this morning, and it's getting annoying.

"Vicky did you give her coffee again?" asked Angel putting his headphones. I would rather shave my eyebrows off than give her coffee, any sort of caffeine turns her into a ball of energy. Luckily today was going to be laid back, only a few tests and class assignments.

"What the hell is going on over there?" asked Jade stopping to look at the large crowd that was building up. I had noticed that and when people started to chant I forced myself through the crowd to see what was going on. Once I made it through I realized I had stepped into a battlefield, and right in the middle of it were Brittany and the new girl.

"Do you really think you can take my man and get away with it?" asked Brittany tossing her extensions like some wannabe model. The new girl said nothing at first, and I couldn't read her face, but I could tell she wasn't amused.

"It's not my fault you're a spoiled little slut who gets dick more than you get respect," she said coldly. The smirk on Brittany's face disappeared when she said that, and I had to let out a small laugh when I saw that. All the people watching were laughing with me, but minutes later all of that stopped.

Brittany punched her. The hit was so hard that her sunglasses were knocked clear off her face. Immediately her eyes seemed to turn white, and I couldn't tell if she was angry or not but I knew I was going to find out.

"Maybe he wouldn't have left you if you weren't an immature bitch. Men want a woman, and you're far from it little girl," she said picking her sunglasses and looking at the damage they had. Brittany ran to punch her again, but this time Angel stopped her.

"Let's get the new girl out of here," I said grabbing Jade's hand. Before we could get to her, Brittany managed to get past Angel and punched her again. This time she drew blood, and in that moment my heart dropped. The new girl punched Brittany dead in the mouth, leaving Brittany screaming. Everyone around us kept yelling and cheering, but then things got worse.

"Sasha don't!" yelled Angel. For the first time in a long time, I saw him scared. Before I could make sense of it, a loud crack silenced everyone. Brittany was on the ground screaming in pain, her face hidding in her hands. When she finally looked up I saw that her nose was comepletely broken. Unfortunately for her it wasn't over.

Sasha picked her up by her hair, forcing her to stand up. Brittany tried to fight back, only to get the wind knocked out of her. By now everyone had started to leave, some still laughing and others scared to shit. I urged Jade to go to class while Angel and I got Brittany to the nurse. When we came back to check on Sasha I heard a low growl, but I didn't know where it was coming from. To my surprise Prince was comforting her.

"Are you okay?" asked Angel. She didn't answer, she didn't even seem all there. I couldn't tell if she was still pissed, so I kept my mouth shut just in case I would accidentally set her off again.

" I made sure Jade got to class, it's probably better if she doesn't get involved," said Prince looking away from Sasha for a moment. Angel nodded in agreement and seemed to calm down, but then he went pale.

"What's wrong?" I asked tapping him on the shoulder.

  "Look at her teeth," he whispered. I did what he suggested and saw that Sasha had silver teeth. I almsot dismissed it as Angel being scared still, but when I took a second look I almost pissed my pants. She had about four upper canines, each one looking like she could rip out someone's throat with them.

"I'm going home," she said picking up her bag and leaving. Prince followed her, probably to drive her home. He seemed calm, that bothered me more than it should have.

"Let's go," I said following them.

"I don't think that's a good idea, maybe we should leave her alone," said Angel stopping me. He was shaking, so much that he was starting to shake me. I've never seen him like this before, he's usually the one to keep his head on straight.

"If you're going with us you might want to hurry up," said Prince suddenly appearing im the hallway. With some hestitation we followed him to his care where Sasha was waiting. Moments later we were on our way to her house.

 Immortal Hearts Book 1:Love Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now