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It took some detective work, but I finally learned the new girl's name. Although I felt kind of like a stalker, I waited for her after class had ended. I don't know why, but it felt like my nerves were on fire. I peeked in the room and saw she was talking to Mr. Durant, probably about the lessons she needed to catch up on.

Trying to pass time, I watched her. My eyes traced her from head to toe, taking in every detail. Again I was hypnotized in by her eyes, they seemed to glow under the lights. Her clothes weren't tight, but then they didn't need to be, she had the body of a goddess. I felt myself getting hotter and hotter the longer I stared at her, before I knew it I had to go to the bathroom to splash water on my face.

What's wrong with me, I thought to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. After I cleaned myself up and checked to make sure I wasn't hard I went back to the classroom to wait for her. A few minutes passed by before she walked out. Hoping she didn't notice me watching her I put on my game face and approached her.

"Sasha can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. She was surprised by my question, or at least she looked like it.

"Actually I'm supposed to be going to the choir room for my next class, but I don't know where it is," she said looking in either direction of the hallway. Coincidentally that was my next class, so instead of giving her directions I told her to follow me. As we made our way there I couldn't help but notice the way that the other guys looked at her. She didn't seem to notice all the attention, but then she's probably used to being looked at. We made it to the choir room just moments before the tardy bell rang and slipped into some chairs before Ms. Monroe could notice.

"Just a warning she always makes new kids sing in front of the class," I whispered just as Ms. Monroe noticed her.

"Well hello darling, I absolutely love new students. You've probably heard but I love for students to introduce themselves with a song," she said cheerfully. I kind of forgot to mention that Ms. Monroe was really energetic. With that a hush fell over the room as Sasha began to sing. With the first note I was impressed with her voice. I half expected her to choose a pop song , but she chose a lullaby instead. I looked over to Prince who was sitting on the other side room. He seemed to enjoy her song just as much, that actually surprised me because he's never enjoyed anyone's song like hers. We made eye contact and he gave me a thumbs up then went back to listening to Sasha.

When her song was done everyone was completely quiet, well everyone except for Ms. Monroe who was clapping excitedly. Minutes later we broke into our groups for the upcoming project. Prince and I were in the same group, and since we were a member short I asked if Sasha could join us. Once Ms. Monroe approved I let Sasha pick a song for us so I could talk to Prince. I explained everything that's been happening to everyone and asked him if he's felt something like that

"I've had that feeling too, but I could smell it before I could feel it. There's a new scent floating around, it's very old," he said adjusting himself in the chair he was sitting in. I noticed that too, but I don't know where it's coming from. He noticed Sasha's eyes and didn't seem to be as entranced as I was. In spite of everything I've told him that's been going on he seems calm about it, more calm than what I expected him to be. For what seems like the millionth time today I caught myself staring at Sasha. While I did so I heard Prince growl and I was snapped out of my spell.

"You just got out of a relationship, you need to be careful," he warned. There was something in his eyes that caught me off guard. Was it concern, jealously,annoyance, or some combination of all three? With him I can never tell.

"There's just something about her, like I'm drawn to her," I said staring at her again. Just the sight of her sets my body on ablaze. Another growl from Prince snapped me our of my dream- like state.

"Beware an siren a ghlaonn," he whispered shortly before the bell rang for the next class. With out a single word, he left leaving me to wonder what meant.

 Immortal Hearts Book 1:Love Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now