information(please read)

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Ok, so basically I'm giving you a little bit of a run down of this.

This book is reasons that I literally believe are what made me love the musical and what makes me happy about the musical.

If you want to DM me more reasons why on ones I've already done, then DM me which musical it is and the reason(s), I will gladly put them in.

I will not do musicals I don't know because I don't think it makes sense for me to do that, but I will do musicals that I don't like.

All of these reasons are meant to be POSITIVE, so please do not comment saying you don't like a specific musical because this book is here not only to inform you of new musicals you may not know of, but it's also here for people to fan over together in the comment section.

So just don't spoil their happiness and fun, if you don't like it, keep it to yourself and fan over the musicals you do like.

If there is a musical you want me to do, request it through my DM's or comments, I just may do it IF I know it.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this book!

~M. Blink💛

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