You're the last of her

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After the trail Blue Diamond was getting curious. She decided to find out herself. Blue Diamond walked towards the warp pad, thinking about what happened during the trail.

"SOMEONE LIKE ONE OF YOU!" The blue zircon yelled, pointing accusingly towards the two diamonds.

The warp pad lit up and in a flash of light. Warping her to the abandoned kindergarten.

"This place uses to be so busy." Blue Diamond whispered remembering all the different gems running around getting places. She stepped off the warp follow by her pearl, looking around. After awhile the blue gems neared a wall.

"Pearl." Blue Diamond said quietly. A light blueish glow illuminated the dark cave walls covered by body shaped holes. Blue pearl shivers at their thoughts. As the pearls light wonders, it finds a hole in the wall, covered with a boulder.

"This is new..." Blue diamond whispers. She pushes the rock aside with her finger entering the space.

Since the trail a group of off colours and a human had been found. The gems were all assumed shattered and the human has been transfered to the human zoo. The place where they were found was not described and wasn't told to the diamonds.

"Pearl, please go check around for anything." Pearl bowed and walks forwards looking in every space for something to hide. After a few minutes Blue pearl has returned with a sapphire by her side.

"My diamond I-." This sapphire interrupts. "Oh my! I predict that Blue Diamond has found me. How interesting." Blue pearl continues. "Have found a sapphire."

The sapphire was pinkish red. The larger blue gem eyes widen. She then realizes that this sapphire was HERS.

She gasps as her eyes start to water. "You're the last of her."

/Hope you enjoyed! The other will be up soon. :)

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