A New Home

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"Ariana, stay quiet and hide".
"Mom, what's going on I can't see anything".
"Shhhhhhh, they're here, whatever happens protect your sister"
*door gets kicked in ... multiple gun shots are heard*
*whispers* "Mom .... dad!" *Ari breathes heavily and steps out the closet*
"NOOOO (shrieks) MOM, DAD WAKE UP NOOOO NOOOOO (cries) YOU CAN'T BE DEAD ... NOT NOW, I NEED YOU! *heavy breathing* KENZIE, KENZIE WE HAVE TO GO! *runs to other two rooms* KENZIE! MOM AND DAD ARE DEAD (cries) PLEASE C'MON LET'S GO! *bumps into closet and body falls out* *Ari tumbles back* NOO *heavy breathing* KENZIE, KENZIE ..."
*Ari gasps*
"ARI! Ari ... it's okay, it's okay, you were having a bad dream"
*Ari gets up out of her sleeping spot and rubs her face* "I wish it was just another bad dream Lizzie. But it wasn't ... it was just a reminder of how I couldn't protect my family that night, *looks at family picture in locket* and they've been gone for what feels like forever"
"I know ... just know that their watching over us and protecting us"
"Do you not dream about that night ... your family died Lizzie?"
"I do sometimes but I try not to think about it. I try to forget about because I have to understand that this is my life now and I can't let that haunt me ... anyway I packed all you stuff for you so our bags are packed and when your ready we can find a new loving space"
"I'm ready *takes deep breath* let's go"

Lizzie and Ari picked up their bags and walked on their way in hopes of finding a safe new living space.

*30 minutes later*

"Ari I'm tired can we take a break we've been walking up this slope for forever."
"You're so lazy that's why. We can take a break soon, I can see a pathway just at the top of this slope" *points in that direction*
"Lizzie stop being a baby"
"Shut up Ari"
*Ari and Lizzie giggle as the get to the top of a slope*
"Okay now we can have a break Lizzie"
"Thank God!"
"Ari I wonder why there's a pathway up here?"
"I don't know but maybe we should follow it. Might lead us to a good place to stay"
*Gasps* "And maybe we'll find good prey to hunt, for food cause you know Ari ... I love food"
"Yep, Liz the whole universe knows, now let's keep following it"

Hope whoever's reading this story is enjoying it and thanks for sticking with me, I know its kind of slow but it'll get better. I promise by the next chapter, the apes will be introduced. And if anyone has any ideas they want me to put in I'll be open to that as well, and I hope to be updating at least twice a day ♡♡♡♡♡

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