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I woke up with warm comfort from my husband. His arms were wrapped around me as he still slept peacefully. It's been a couple days since we became officially mated, it's still an adjustment to him waking up next to me.
Today I had to wake up early so I can wash my clothes, since I'm still living off of human clothes. So slowly but surely I slipped away from Blue Eyes' s grip leaving him in his peaceful slumber. Still quiet as can be, I gathered the clothes I needed to wash and headed out.
It was still pretty early in the morning so I knew everyone else was still sleeping. I was able to creep out of my room without waking Blue. Now I just need to get to the lake without waking anyone.
I made my way to the lake as quietly as possible without bothering anyone. The sun was out slightly, giving me enough light to see where I was going. And I then was able to pick up my speed to the lake since I was a little ways from the ape colony.
When I arrived there I set down all of my clothes down as I washed them as good as I could before laying them out on the sun to dry. I didn't have a lot to wash so when I finished I decided I should clean myself. After setting my washed clothes down, I set down clothes I was gonna wear after my bath. I then stripped down and started stepping into the water. It was a little cold but not freezing to the point I could get hypothermia.
I started rubbing the dirt off my entire body as I sat in the water. The last thing I needed to wash was my hair so I held my breath and went under the water to clean my hair. I was trying to clean myself quick because the water was starting to give me goosebumps. As I lifted my head from the water wiping my face, Blue Eyes was sitting there at the edge of the shore.
*screams* "Blue ... you scared me"
*smiles* Are you gonna give up human clothes?
"You know you like my form fitted clothes"
I do but bear skin is easier to remove
*smiles* "Weirdo"
Are you cold?
*slightly shivers* "A little bit but I'm fine"
He got up and started walking into the water until he was standing in front of me. Even though he was my husband I still felt self-conscious about showing him my intimate areas. He then scooted me deeper into the water until it was up by our necks.
The sun was in this area so it should be warmer over here
"Good thinking it does feel warmer"
He smiled then brought me closer to him as he began kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pleasantly sucked on my neck. He then wrapped his arms around me as he lifted me up a little bit so we can be about the same height. I leaned in and started kissing him as his hands traveled up and down my back. Then his hands traveled behind my legs as he slowly brought them around his waist. As we pulled away from each other as he looked at me as if asking for permission to move on. I nodded to his request as he brought his lips to my neck again. He pounded me once which brought pain throughout my whole body causing me to hold my breath. I grabbed a hold of his neck as we continued doing our dirty deed, that we've both never done before. He didn't pick up the pace noticing my breathing was staggered everytime I got pounded, I then let out a soft moan at his last pound. We both froze and we held one another tightly.
*heavy breathing*
You okay?
"Ya ... *breathy* it just hurts a little bit" I said as I felt tired and weak.
I'm sorry
"Don't be ... We're both new to this"
We both released one another slowly as he removed his member from inside me. He assisted me out of the lake and handed me my clean clothes. I slipped my clothes on as Blue Eyes took a hold of my washed clothes and we made our way back to our hut.
As we started walking down the path to our hut we ran into Liz who looked like she just woke up.
"Hey Ari! What's up!" She said as she yawned.
"Nothing much just washed some clothes"
"Ugh I have to wash clothes. I'm just too lazy"
"I'm not doing it for you again!"
*chuckles* "I'm not asking you too"
Blue Eyes crept into our hut as Liz and I were talking.
"Why do you look so tired?"
"Uh ... because washing clothes is hard if you don't have soap"
"I've seen you wash clothes a bunch of times in that lake and you've never looked like this"
"Well I did get up really early!"
"What does that have to do with ... wait..."
"Why is there a tiny bruise on your neck?" She said as she pointed to my neck.
I quickly smacked the possible hickey Blue left on my neck. "Uhhh.."
*gasps* "You and Blue Eyes ...!"
"Well I'm really tired so bye Liz!" I shouted as I ran into my hut, avoiding any further questions. I rushed into my moss bed next to Blue Eyes. He pulled the blanket my mom made me over us as we cuddled in each other's comfort.
What did you think?
"About what?"
Our first time
*chuckles* "It was good. Took a lot of my energy though"
Would you do it again?
*laughs* "I'll answer that after my long nap"

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