Chapter 16

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Blake Jeffries 

I never knew that Anthony can be quite convincing. Or that he wants to look up to me. It never really got to me that some already respect me as their new alpha. Slowly I take Josh's arm away and get my phone out of my car. Calling my mother. Crossing my fingers that this will work.

'Blake, what the hell is going on with you? Why do you scare me so much? Come home, darling.' My mother starts rambling immediately. 'We love you, we miss you... we want you to come home.' Her voice goes an octave higher, as a sign that she's worried.

With a deep breath, I walk away a bit. 'Mom, what happened to my uncle?'

'Huh?' Her voice sounds really baffled. 'What uncle and what does that has to do with it?'

'Uncle Lyle,' I continued softly. 'I heard that you banished him and... I thought for being...' This is really hard. I mean, Josh is still close that he can hear most of it. I freeze when I feel a hand all of the sudden. What Josh is and he, silently, encourages me to talk. 'For being gay.' I whisper.

Next thing hearable is a relieved noise. 'Blake, darling, we would never ban anyone for being gay. God.' She emits an incredulous sound. 'We just have a couple in the pack. Two men together and we're all very happy that they found each other. Is that what this is about? Sweety, your uncle Lyle couldn't handle it that his mate is a guy and he killed him. He got two choices from your father. Staying and being killed himself or to leave the pack. It's not right to kill your mate, and there are severe consequences for that. Death or live in exile.'

See! Apparently not the reason you were thinking. Can we go back home? With our mate?

This does change a few things. Maybe I should've asked what was going on right after my uncle got banished from the pack. 'Mom.' I start hesitantly and soft. 'I found my mate.'

'Really, I'm so happy for you. Kevin, he found his mate!' Follows and is clearly meant for my father. 'Who is your mate? Get your ass back home here, with your mate.'

I'm loving this. She wants to meet him and she doesn't even know yet.

Eh, furball, stop it. 'Ehm, mom.' I almost start to stutter. 'It's a man. His name is Josh.'

'Are you happy? Do you make him happy?' is the first thing she asks.

I can see that Josh is nodding in agreement. 'Very happy.' His crystal blue eyes sparkle.

'Was that him? I want to meet him. Come home. Your father is getting quite anxious too, you know.'

I can't believe that I got it wrong for so long. 'We are already on the way. However, we're not a hurry. We're still getting to know each other.' I reply.

'Alright, but don't take too long. If your father tells this to the others, they will...'

'No!' I react fast. 'That is something I have to say myself. Together with Josh. Please don't.' Knowing that I have my family to back me up, makes me feel warm inside. Just like Josh, supporting me by standing next to me. It's starting to feel like I can take on the world, as long as I have my mate with me.

Her smile is noticeable over the phone. 'Just hurry up a little then. I don't think I can hold your father for that long.'

'I'm on my way and right now we are in Montana in a forest close to the border with Canada.' I tell her. 'It still might take a few days because we still need to run.'

'Do you mean that your mate is a werewolf?' Now my mother's voice is curious and questioning.

I nod with a smile. 'Yes, he is. So we definitely need a run on time.' I even roll my eyes for a second. 'Can I have dad on the phone?'

'Kevin, it's for you now!'

'Blake, how is everything?' The voice of my father is calming and peaceful.

Yet I turn back to the two trackers. 'Anthony and Harper have someone in custody. Neill is both a werewolf and a hunter. He shot me with an arrow. Though he refuses to talk.'

My father growls. 'I will hang him up with his own intestines. Is he alone?'

'He doesn't want to talk. They're on the way back home.' I see that Harper agrees. 'They will probably drive through the night. So they'll be back by tomorrow.' When I hang up, I can see that Anthony smirks. 'Don't even start. Get back home.'


My father even texted me to have booked a cabin at The Ranch. As a surprise for Josh and me. The fact that he fell a sleep, makes it easier to drive to the ranch. I just now parked my car in front of a cabin, I already got the key at the reception, that will be ours for the night. A proper bed and normal bathroom. This time I can take a shower. Carefully and quietly I get out to bring both our bags inside.

A normal bed and to share it with our mate. Can we mark him! He seems really happy to share a bed already.

No! We're not there yet and doesn't that usually happen when we get intimate with our mate? I know myself that it's not going to be more than just a cuddle and a kiss. Settle with that or I'm going to make you wait.

Please, God, no. Try to go a little further. It doesn't have to be all the way but just a little more.

You are unbelievable. Now that our bags are inside, I go back to wake Josh up. You can sleep in a bed. I open the door. 'Josh, wake up, babe.' Only to see that he moves his head a little, but he doesn't open his eyes. Alright, let's do this the best way to surprise you. Cautious I lift him up out of the car, bridal style, and bring him inside first. Where I lay him on the bed. My lips curl up to a smile when I see that he turns around, getting comfortable with a pillow under his neck. I can't believe that he sleep through all that. Quickly I go back to lock my car and go back inside. Hmm, let's see if you can still sleep when I put you under the covers. My eyes find a clock. Almost midnight. Yeah, no wonder he's a sleep. In the bathroom I fresh up a little and go back. To find Josh cuddling with his pillow. Smiling I take a quick picture and set it as my background. After that, I take his shoes off. Taking his shirt off goes pretty easy too. Now the hardest part. Hopefully, he's not going to freak out or something. Just as I have his pants unbuttoned, he freezes and his eyes fly open.


And here another update. So his parents support him and Josh. But they still have a long way to go. Bare with me, alright. 

Don't forget to vote and comment. See you next time. 

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