The Devil's son Chapter Twenty three

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I hope y'all like this... It explains quite a lot of things.



We were swaying to the slow rhythm of the song which name I couldn't quite remember.

When suddenly Lucifer froze. It was as if, all of a sudden he saw something that made him stop dead in his tracks. He was... just standing there, still holding me tightly.

Then his arms loosened and he said briskly:

"I have to go."

I didn't question him. I don't think I wanted to know what just happened.

So I just nodded and wriggled out of his embrace.

"I'll go find Jason." I shouted over the music.

"Jason's not here. He left sooner with Callie."


"I'll go drop you at your place, and then I'll go."

"All right."

He pulled me by the arm, all his gentleness forgotten.

When we were outside the warm may air blew in my face. I didn't utter one word as we got to his car. He didn't open the door for me this time. I had to slide my hands all over the door to find the handle.

Before I even had the time to close the door, he already started the engine and was backing out of his spot in the school's parking lot.

He drove quickly, so quickly that I was totally pressed into my seat. When he hit the breaks and the car stopped with a screech of wheels against concrete, I was already pulling the handle when his hand rested on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he said coolly. "I didn't want to ruin the night for you."

"Don't worry it's just a dance." I said smiling at hi reassuringly.

Suddenly he was so close that I felt his breath brush my lips. He leaned in and deposed the tiniest of kisses on my lips before leaning back.

"I really need to go now, little human. Good night."

If only he knew...

But neither Lucifer, nor did I know that going back home that night was the biggest mistake of my life.

No... actually it wasn't the biggest mistake of my life... because that place was already taken by the fact that I've fell in love with Lucifer.

So as I opened the door and called Jason's name I was still convinced that everything was alright.

But all that responded to my call was the echo of my own words.

"Jason? You're home?" I repeated and closed the door behind me.

I entered further into the house, but stumbled over something that lay on the floor. I bent down to pick it up, slightly annoyed.

The house was always perfectly tidy, exactly to prevent those kind of incidents.

As my fingers grabbed the material of a jacket, I wondered what it was doing there, in the middle of our entrance.

I moved on to the living room, and almost suffered a hearth attack when a voice spoke up. Not Jason's voice.

"Hello, Amelie. Or shall I call you little human?"

I froze. How did she, of all people, know how Lucifer always called me?

"Callie, where's Jason, and, if I may ask, what are doing here?"

"Oh, Jason right, that's the boy's name? I disposed of him."

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