Sneaking Out

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~Lexie's POV~

It had been three days since I had sex with Luke and I haven't seen him since because my parents had me on lock down. They were pissed that I had gotten a tattoo so they told me I was grounded. LIke I cared I loved my tattoo. I layed on my bed and sang along with Asking Alexandria. I was listening to my favorite song Reckless and Relentless. I sang the lyrics, " I am rock n'roll living a life you can only dream of. I am rock n'roll in it's fucking finest!" I yelled along with Danny. 

All of a sudden I heard a huge bang at my door that made me jump. "Turn that shit off!" my mom yelled. I opened my door and shouted "NO" She slapped me across the face and I stood my ground staring her down, my cheek was throbing but I indured the pain. "Stop fucking staring at me like that! I am your mother you need to show respect! Do I need to remind you where your place is!" she yelled getting close to my face and grabbing my arm hard. I just kept glaring at her. "How can I respect you when you're a bitch" I said through clenched teeth. 

I saw my mom's face turn red with anger and she slammed me against the wall. I let out a whimper. That did hurt. "I'm a bitch? You little emo whore I'm ashamed of calling you my daughter. I'm getting your dad you want a real bitch I'll show you that I can be one." Then she left my room smirking calling for my dad to come beat me up for being disrespectful. I started to cry I slammed the door to my room and locked it. I really didn't want my dad to hit me because he left bruises. 

I heard my dad run across the hall and I heard him trying the doorknob. I sunk down to the floor crying. "Did you call your mom a bitch? Oh you're going to get it good Lexie! Open the fucking door." my dad yelled banging on the door. I hugged my knees and screamed "NO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" That did it, my dad was extremely pissed now he was kicking the door I knew that he was going to break it down. "Leave her alone!" I heard my brother yell. "Shutup" my dad yelled at him "Get out of here Jordan and go to your room and mind your own business." My mom told him. 

Thanks I thought to my mother even though I hated her. I really didn't want my brother to get into this because I didn't want him to get hurt. My dad was still kicking my door and it wouldn't take long till he broke it down. I had to get out of here. I ran to my closet and stuffed some clothes into my skull messenger bag, grabbed my I-Pod and phone, then I jumped out my window thank god my room window faced the front yard. As I jumped out I heard my door break open and my dad saw me leave. "No you don't....." I heard him say but that's all I heard because I just started running. I knew he wouldn't chase me but I was not taking any chances. 

When I was atleast two blocks away I stopped running to catch my breath. I felt like I was going to throw up. I took my phone out of my pocket and called Luke. "Hey Lexie what's up?" He said in a happy tone. "Please can you come pick me up? I just fought with my parents and I don't wanta be there right now." I told him through sobs, I was still crying. " Lex I'm so sorry I'll get there as fast as I can. Where are you?" he said urgently. "I looked around me I was close to my neighborhood park I started walking near the parks direction. "I'm at the park." "Ok stay there I'll be there soon. I love you Lex" "I love you too." I said then hanged up. 

Luke got to the park pretty fast. We got to his house and I calmed down, I wasn't crying anymore and Luke was carrying me to his room. I kissed his cheek and thanked him. He asked me what happened and I told him everything. I saw so much concern in his hazel eyes, I loved that about him he cared so much for me. He started kissing my face and started telling me how much he loved me. I laughed he was making me forget everything that had happened.

Luke and I were kissing now and we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Luke groaned and got off of me I blushed and sat up. I heard someone squeal and come into the room. "Omg! Lexie you're here I haven't seen you in a long time!" I smiled and ran to Luke's twin sister Angie. We both squealed and hugged each other. "Angie you're back from New York! I'm so glad you're back!" I screamed. Hugging her tighter. "Yup I'm back from our dad's house because I need to finish up senior year." I smiled "Yay! The three of us get to graduate together." I said I looked at Luke and he just rolled his eyes. "Ok , Angie give me my girlfriend back , you're sorta interupting." 

Angie laughed and smirked at Luke. "We'll I'm going to interupt even more because I'm going to catch up with my best friend on what I missed so you can talk to her later." she said sticking her toungue out at Luke. He groaned. I laughed and kissed him. "Please Luke it'll only be a while I'll come back to your room when she's done talking to me." I heard Angie snort "Don't ask him for permission!" she said pulling me to her room. 

The catching up was easy but then Angie kept me in her room longer when she got the crazy idea of dying my hair. "Please, Please, Please can I dye your hair. It'll look so pretty." she begged grabbing my light brown hair. I thought about it for a while, me dying my hair would just make my parents more mad, but I didn't care, so I nodded. Angie squealed. "Umm what color do you have in mind." I asked her. Looking at her red and black hair.  "I was thinking blue and purple. It'll really bring out your green eyes." I smiled I liked those colors I couldn't wait until I saw the ending result. I knew Luke would love it too. "Let's do it!" I shouted. 

~Jame's POV~ 

I was so pissed. I saw the stupid boyfriend of the girl I was talking to come towards me and throw beer in my face. "What the fuck dude!" I exclaimed. "Why the hell are you talking to my girlfriend?" He said putting his arm around the slutty girl that forced herself on to me. She wasn't even pretty, not like my Brandi was. 

I saw the guy come closer to me when I completely ignored his question. "I said why the hell were you talking to my girlfriend?" He asked again shoving me. "Hey do you know who the Fuck we are?" I heard Danny say. The guy turned to Danny and punched him in the face. That did it this fucker was just asking for a fight. I got up and shoved the guy, he tried to punch me but he missed. I swung and got him in the face." We're Asking Fucking Alexandria and we do what we want! And I wasn't talking to your fucking girlfriend! She started talking to me first!" I saw the guy get angrier and he raised his arm to punch me in the stomach but Danny came and nailed him in the face knocking him out. "You stupid fucker"  I heard the slutty girl scream and she ran to her knocked out boyfriend.

"You'll pay you ass hole." I heard her shriek but I didn't care I just flicked her off and Danny and I left the bar and returned to our tour bus. We were in New Jersey now and we were closer to our concert in L.A. I just wanted to get  there already. I hated the tour buss now because Brandi wasn't there anymore. She would always wait for me after concerts and greet me with a big smile when I returned. Now I was greated by emptiness. Gosh I sounded like a girl that was Ben's job.  

"Hey what happened to you wankers." I heard Ben ask Danny. I sat down next to Cameron and filled the guys in on what had just happened at the bar. 

 *Please comment Vote leave feedback if you like. I know Jame's POV are short but his will get more interesting once he meets Lexie in chapter 4 :D. Thanks for reading.~Aly P.S. A pix of what Lexie would look like is on the right. Next chapter will be a pix of Luke.* 

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