A Date with James

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*Warning: There is a sex scene at the end of this chapter just letting you know Incase you don't like that stuff ;P*


~Angie's POV~

I was so happy after yesterday. James Cassells from Asking Alexandria liked me! It was to good to be true. But I didn't care I was going to be happy with all the time I got with him. James made me feel safe and loved, I didn't want those feelings to end. 

I was in Angie's room unpacking my clothes, while listening to her ramble on and on about Ben. he told me that he liked her and that he wanted to see her again. I smiled. "That's great Ang, how did we manage to get the guys from an amazing English rock band to like us?" I said laughing. Angie laughed with me and helped me get settled into my new room which was Angie's. We were sharing it, until her mom finished painting the guest room for me. 

Angie and I were laying on the bed reading magazines and listening to Blood on the Dancefloor, when my phone beeped. I looked at my phone and smiled when I saw it was a text from James. It read:

James: Hey Lexie I'm picking you up at four just reminding you. Hope you didn't forget about our date.;)

Me: Okay! and how could I forget?! You're like completely amazing. 

James: Lol I guess. And it is true what they say! only californians say LIKE allot.

Me: Hey >:/ I can't help it I say LIKE without even knowing that I'm saying it allot. And don't English people say MUM instead of Mom. ;D 

James: Haha ok ok I'll stop teasing you and so what if we say MUM it's nothing like saying LIKE! 

Me:LOL whatever James You just said it twice ;P 

James: Ya on purpose:) I think it's adorable that you say LIKE and don't be mad at me. 

Me: I can't be mad at you :D I promise....Mum

James Lmao you're so weird Lexie. But I like you. 

Me: Awww You're so cute, ok I gtg get ready I'll see you later <3 

I stopped texting James and laughed to myself that conversation was funny. I could really be myself with him I loved that. I didn't know how long it had been since I've joked around with someone.  I got up and picked out some clothes with Angies help. I t was cold outside so what I went with was my black and white All Time Low long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, black studded ankle boots and my Asking Alexandria hoodie. I moved up the sleeve of my hoodie because that's how I liked wearing it and started covering my arms with bracelets so I could cover up my fresh scars.

I did my eyeliner and put on a little bit of red lipstick. Then I straightened my purple and blue hair and I was ready. I was so excited I went to the living room to look out the window so I could see exactly when James got there. Luke saw me staring out the window and he sat down next to me. "Be careful on your date Lex." I looked at him and smiled half heartedly. I knew this was killing him because we had just broken up after a year of being with each other,and I was so fast on moving on. But the only reason I was moving on quick was because I didn't want to wallow in the sadness that this break up made me feel. I didn't want to cry and cut. I just wanted to be happy,and James was letting me do that. 

Dear Insanity (James Cassells Love Story) Asking Alexandria FanficWhere stories live. Discover now