A Wolf's Challenge 1

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KRIS wanted to smile when he saw Tao and Sungmin walked ahead of them. Sungmin-ssam had stopped crying and they were walking him to his next class. He didn't want to think about it but he was sure that Tao liked Sungmin more than he was letting on. They've been friends for years and he has never seen or felt like Tao was interested in women. He was a whole different story however. He chased skirts and whatever took his fancy. He wasn't a big believer of love being a real thing. Although he's had friends who claimed that they were in love, almost all of them ends up getting hurt or hurting the person they were with. He wasn't going to let love confuse him. He was not going to let Tao not enjoy the perks of his youth. Maybe Sungmin can unleash that side of Tao, the side he keeps leashed. Kris has always been curious of that beast living inside of Tao. Much like Naruto's inner wolf, Kris knew an animal lived inside of Tao and if it took an innocent man to get it out, it would be amusing to see for him self.

Tao bowed and he did as well before we left Sungmin-nim in the music room. Sungmin thanked him as well. He winked at him and said, "If you need any more hugs, you have Tao's number." He almost laughed when he saw Sungmin blush at that statement.

"Hyung!" Tao didn't like being teased to anyone and figured that I was doing it again. He got tired of all the "accidental" hook-ups and group hang that I set up for him. But he doesn't always complain openly as he seems to be doing now.

"See you, ssam! Cheer up!" He put his arm around Tao and dragged him away laughing.

"LEMEGO!" Tao finally squirmed free of his hyung by the time they were out of the building. He looked back and tried to stop himself from wanting to sit in at Sungmin's class. He needed to give him time to recover from what happened at the quad. Someone who would remind him of what happened won't help him focus on work. He works too hard then if something like that has to happen for him to let his feelings out. He suddenly wondered how cold-hearted those guys must have been to have let Sungmin feel so abandoned that he would cry about it unexpectedly. He opened his phone and logged in on his twitter account. He searched for Siwon's twitter account and followed him. He posted a message on his feed tagging the celebrity. "I will take care of SL-nim since you guys have let him cry." He didn't even wait if someone like him would even reply to his tweet. It was unlikely that he would even bother with his angry message. He just decided that if his friends had left him high and dry then he was going to be worth all those friends who left him behind.

SIWON could feel the nerves in his temples throbbing. He was not the kind to be quickly irked but haters or antis but this particular one was different. He had to read the message again to check out what it meant. And it wasn't until he browsed the other posts he made that he saw there was a picture of Sungmin doing a wushu move. Then there was the one where he was pouting. SL-nim, huh? He had given up trying to be with Sungmin because he was so in love with Kyuhyun and now he gets called out as someone who made his Sungmin-ah cry? Who was this @zitaopanda anyway?

He had sent messages to his friends. "Who's this guy anyway?" He had included a screenshot of the tweet and the flooding of the replies and calls made him squirm. Clearly even the ones who were in the states were pissed. He decided that it would be better if they just go into a chat room instead of having to relay the info to different people.

Kangin: Who the frack is that @zitaopanda bugger anyway? And who the frack is SL?

Leeteuk: SL = Sungmin Lee

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