Chapter 2 - The Junkers

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"Devin, what's the status of our Mechanical Menaces?" Argad questioned.

Devin replies in his robotic voice, "11 Shanks are fully build, 3 Shank Omegas are fully build, and 2 Grinders are almost fully build."

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. The radar sounded, alerting Argad for intruders. He turns on the cam system and scans the area. 

"Who are these people? I've never seen them before."

The cam display shows a group of three men who all looked like junkyard mechanics. Two of the men wore gray and yellow metallic armor plating on their chest and had mechanical parts scattered across the rest of their body. They had large tool belts which carried a large assortment of screwdrivers, wrenches, bolts, and other objects.

One of the men who Argad assumed was their leader wore an imposing Spartan-looking helmet without a plume on the top. He had the same armor and tool belt as his companions but on his muscular arms were huge steel gauntlets. These men obviously looked like hostiles.

"Devin, sent 2 Shanks to intercept those intruders," Argad ordered.

"Yes sir," Devin answered.


The three men walked through the forest. They have been searching for the abandoned Base Epsilon of Draco for a while now. Now they have found the hidden base. But they were not alone.

One of the men exclaimed, "Lord Leon! Hostile robots, twelve o'clock!"

The man in the helmet and gauntlets answered, "Don't worry, I got this."

Click, Click, Click, the Shanks sounded.

One of the shanks rushed forward directly at Leon. Leon raised his right gauntlet at the incoming Shank. 


Argad was watching the whole scene unfold outside of the main entrance of Base Epsilon, just outside from the view of the three intruders. He saw the man named Leon raise his gauntlet at the charging Shank, but he caught it?!

Leon winded his right arm back and threw the Shank he was holding in his hands directly at second Shank, toppling both Shanks in a pile of scrap metal. 

"Devin, I need backup," Argad said through the com link on his arm. "Send a Grinder down here to show these guys who's boss."

Immediately, on of the hangar doors opened to the right of Argad. Out came the Grinder. The Grinder was a slow quadruped mechanical menace twice as tall as Argad and it has twin machine guns at the top. Thick armor plating around it made it look like a a walking tank. 

Argad emerged from his hiding place and pointed a finger at the intruders. "My name is Argad. Who are you, and what are you doing here? If you refuse to answer, my Grinder here will cut you down with its bullets."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Leon said. "No need to get all feisty. We were only looking for Base Epsilon to salvage some parts but we didn't know anyone else would be here. My name is Leon, and these are my personal guard, Lez and Grenn. I am the leader of the Legion of Junkers. You better not mess with us, 'cuz my Legion will easily kill you."

Argad replied, "Hmm, I could wipe out your entire legion with a snap of my hands. You don't know just how powerful I am. How about I demonstrate just how powerful my army is?"

"I'm not here for all-out warfare. I see how powerful you are. Let's make a deal. By working together, we can dominate the world!" Leon announced. My Legion has our own mechanical menaces and we will become the perfect army! So what do you say, Argad?"



Argad and the Legion of Junkers have become a powerful alliance.  The Junkers have migrated their main base right next to Base Epsilon for easy travel. Many of the Junkers work with Argad in Base Epsilon to build powerful new mechanical menaces. 

King Leon walked through the front entrance of Base Epsilon and stood next to Argad while he inspected a blueprint for new a robot. 

"What new plans do we have here?" asked Leon.

Argad answered, "This is a blueprint for a new mechanical menace." Argad pointed to the blueprint. "This one is called the Whippersnapper. It's a tall, bipedal, humanoid type of robot and its upper torso rotates fast to allow scythes on each arm to cut into the enemy at 360 degrees." 

"Fascinating," said Leon. "I've come here to report that my scouts have found a small Draco Outpost which we can easily raid. They seem to contain some valuable resources and some nice cash. I will be on my way now with my two guards and a Grinder."

"Alright Lez, how far away are we from the Draco outpost now?" questioned Leon.

"That's the fourth time you asked that already!" Lez retorted.

"Well, I'm anxious. This place has some nice resources if the scouts are correct."

Grenn pointed forwards at the outpost in a small forest clearing which was build up next to a cliff. "Stop your bickering, guys. We're here"

The three men and walked forwards into the clearing. The Grinder stayed behind out of sight.

"Attention Draco soldiers!" shouted Leon. "Either surrender your entire camp, or be killed!"

The soldiers who were working around the base looked up at the three Junkers. Some of them even looked amused since there were only three intruders trying to take over their entire base. The captain, wearing a red plum on his helmet walked towards the intruders. 

The captain contronted them, "Ha! Do you really think you can take on my entire company with only three of you? Ya'll must be insane!"

"Oh, we're not the only ones here," Leon said. "Grenn, activate the Grinder."

Grenn pressed a button on his mobile control panel. Out of the trees emerged the Grinder, slowly trudging and crushing branches in its path. 

"What in tarnation?!" the captain exclaimed.

The Grinder rotated its turret, with its gatling guns pointed directly into the outpost. 

"One last chance, captain." said Leon. "surrender now, you be killed."

"Never! You're insane if you think you can kill us all!"

Leon punched the captain in the face. He felt a crunch upon the impact of his fist and the captain lay unconscious on the ground. 

"Attack!" the soldiers exclaimed.

The grinder's gatling guns rotated and began shooting at the soldiers, cutting them down one by one. Any soldier who tried to charge at the Junkers were immediately torn to shreds. The Grinder walked through the camp, shooting at anything that moved. Finally, no soldier was left standing. 

"Alright men, out job here is done." said Leon. "Now let's plunder what riches we have found here."

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