Chapter 7 - True Immortality?

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The radars are showing some readings of a large beast just outside the Junker base. It doesn't seem to want to attack, but it could be a hostile threat.

Argad made his way through the workers outside around the camps with a team of three other Junkers to hunt down the beast. It doesn't seem that deadly does it? It's only one beast.

The confident team walked into the jungle with their radar consoles out, ready to pinpoint the beast. 

"Alright team, I want this hunt to be quick and easy" Argad said.

A Junker said nervously, "Are you sure this is fine? These beast are stronger than regular crabeans."

"Chill out, we got good firepower here." another Junker replied. 

The hot humid climate made moving through the forest hard on foot, but the signals showed the beast very near now. But it was no where to be seen. The team scanned the surroundings with nothing to see.

A Junker stepped on a sharp, black branch. 

Suddenly, the 'branch' raised into the air to reveal it to be a long tail of the beast! The enormous stinging beast was a scorpion the length of four men, a tail almost twice as long as the body, and two powerful claws. 

"Group together, everyone!" ordered Argad.

The stinging beast viciously stabbed the Junker next to Argad with the tail's stinger, easily killing him instantly. Argad and the rest of the Junkers proceeded to rain down bullet fire on the beast. It seemed to work well, but the beast shielded itself using the thick armor of its claws to hid the vulnerable body.

Then, the stinging beast lunged forwards and slammed its claw into Argad's chest, sending him flying. He flew a few meters and crashed on a tree. The armor absorbed most of the damage from the beast's claw, but Argad's vision blurred with a bad headache.

The beast snapped at one of the Junkers with its claw and easily snapped him in half with a loud and gruesome crunch. The last Junker was trampled in a pile of mush. Now, the beast turned its sights to the dazed Argad.

In a final Hail Mary, Argad threw a grenade which miraculously landed directly onto the beast's eyes, blinding it. Argad continuously shot the beast on the face until it laid there, with bullet holes and yellow-green bug blood everywhere.

Argad must have had a concussion and it looked like there was a spike sticking out of his chest. Upon closer examination, he saw one of the spikes of the claw was lodged into his chest and he was bleeding badly.

There was a loud rustle of the bushes behind him. Argad, still dazed, had a much delayed reaction and didn't even get to hold up his gun until the mysterious person was already right in front of him. It was Dr. Cranum.

"I've been looking for you a while," Cranum said. "Just my luck that you were attacked by a stinging beast. Good thing I have this injection to give you to get you all cleaned up!"

Cranum pulled out the spike stuck stuck on Argad's chest, and injected the needle into Argad's right arm. Argad remembered the same feeling of the needle the same day Cranum found him in the head of his mech.

All of a sudden, Argad's head cleared up and he could think clearly. The bleeding stopped almost completely and he could feel much energy through his blood.

"What is this, Cranum? I feel so rejuvenated!"

"That is my Crabean Serum! Using the blood of crabeans and a mixture of some chemicals, I've constructed a serum which can greatly accelerate healing to heal most flesh wounds and organ damage and gives the effect of powerful adrenaline."

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