Chapter 3 - The Spy

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Clara was in her mid-twenties, and wore her age well. She has a stern and beautiful face. Her long brown hair was in a braid which reached down almost as far as her waist. She has a very athletic body and can stand her own in a fist fight.   

Clara is one of the only few female Junkers. She has only been a member of the Legion of Junkers for about five weeks now. Clara has already received critical acclaim from King Leon for her amazing robot designs. 

But the Junkers are too ignorant to find out she was a Draco spy. It's only that darned Argad who seems to know what he's doing. Argad has been eyeing here for a while now. Either Argad has a secret crush for her or he suspects Clara is not who she says she is. The latter is most likely. 

Clara walked to the computers in the assembly room where the main AI control systems are made. Clara is an AI specialists and designs the AI for every mechanical menace. She's working on programming the new Whippersnapper. 

No one else knows that she has secretly sabotaged every mechanical menace. Clara has a secret controller which she can use to automatically shut off or self-destruct the robots. She can also use the controller to be able to command the robots herself and turn them over to the Draco's side. 

"Clara," a voice boomed behind her.

Clara nearly jumped out of her seat. She turned around to see Argad standing in the doorway to the computer room.

"Yes, General Argad?" said Clara nervously.

"Why are you up so late?" asked Argad. "It's already eleven o' clock and everyone is in their private quarters resting. Are you doing something you don't want other people to know about?"

"Um, no. I'm just working on some extra code I didn't finish earlier."

"Hmm, okay then," Argad said. "Be quick about it. We can't have someone as important to our cause as you staying up too late and not getting enough sleep."

Clara answered, "Don't worry, I have just finished all the work I needed to do."

With that, Clara shut off the computer and trotted out of the room, eager to get out of Argad's watch. As Clara moved past him, she saw Argad eyeing her again as though he knew something was off. Argad keeps watching her as she turns the corner and walks off into the next hallway.

Clara arrives at her private quarters which was number 1313. She opens the door, walks into the room, and locks the door behind her with a click. Her private quarters were no larger than a small standard hotel room. There was one bed, one bathroom, a table, and a TV. Clara grabbed her blue bag and opened up the secret compartment within it. She pulled out a small, black, mechanical device with an extendable antenna. Clara turns on the device and proceeds to talk into it.

Clara said, "Message to Captain Braiden: I believe my cover has been compromised. I indeed hope the information I have given you has been adequate enough that we can form an attack on the Legion of Junkers. Tonight, I must leave Base Epsilon and head back to the rendezvous point. Be ready."

Clara turned off the com link and put the device back into her bag. Clara already has all the supplies she needs in there so she doesn't need to do any packing. Clara puts on the backpack and opens the window out of her private quarters. 


The door to her quarters blasted open and flew across the room. Argad emerged through the doorway with his new mechanical gauntlet which must have allowed him to punch the door off its hinges. He must have heard the com signal Clara was sending.

"Come back here, Clara! I knew you were the spy all along! There's no escaping me!"

"Sorry, but I don't intend on being captured," said Clara. "Bye bye, Argad!"

Clara pulled out a grappling hook, shot into the roof of the base, and she flew out of the window. She grabbed onto the ledge of the roof and pulled herself up. Alarms started sounding across the entire base. Foot steps echoed from the stairwell that led up the roof.

"Time for some hardcore parkour," remarked Clara.

She sprinted across the roof just as Junkers appeared from the stairwell, running at her. Clara neared the end of the building where there was a small gap separating her from the next. She easily leaped the gap and maintained her full pace. 

Clara now saw two Junker drones chasing her down from the air. These small drones had two helicopter blades and a rockets at the rear to propel them forwards at high speeds. As the drones neared, they're guns took aim at her. But Clara was faster than those drones. She pulled out her pistol from her belt and expertly shot into the cam system of both drones which was their weak points. Both drones exploded in a ball of fire and crashed back down to the ground. 

Clara was so close to escape now. All she needed to do was jump off this 2-story building and run to the rendezvous point. Bullets rained past her but none hit their mark. Clara jumped off the building's edge. 

For a moment, she could feel freedom. The joy of the air whipping past her. The descent of her jump, giving her even more of an adrenaline rush.

Rockets on her boots activated to slow her drop to the ground. The rockets on the boots were not strong enough to carry a person, but Clara often used them to give her an easy landing from falls (believe it or not, Clara falls from high places often).

Clara's escape was just in front of her. The forest was so close. She pushed forwards feeling the freedom set in her.

But that feeling disappeared as she felt a sharp pain on her left leg. She stumbled and fell forwards, rolling on the dirt.

"Uhhgg," Clara moaned. "I was so close from escape."

She looked down to see a splotch of blood enlarging on the back of her thigh. She was hit by a bullet. The Junkers were nearing her now. There's no hope. She will be executed.

Just then, a bright spotlight shone down from above. Clara looked up to see a Draco attack helicopter descend quickly towards her. The turret from the chopper shot at the Junkers to prevent them from capturing Clara. A rope unfolded downwards and Clara pulled herself up with the strength she had left. The chopper rose upwards while Clara was pulled up into the chopper.

"Glad to have you back, Clara," said the pilot. "We need to get you back to base fast. The rest of you, bandage her up to stop the bleeding."

The soldiers around her cheered for their amazing rescue as they bandaged her up. The helicopter sped through the night sky back to base. No Junker was in sight pursuing them. Though Clara was not celebrating. The escape was far too easy.

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