t w e n t y t w o - t o m a s

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Evie's scream rang out through the fields as Leo crumpled to the ground, the pitch-black arrow sticking out of his chest. His eyes were still wide open and his mouth moved slowly, making soft groans. The silver shine of the sword in his hand almost blinded Tomas.

Tomas' stance changed from relaxed and calm to tense and poised, like a cat ready to spring. He drew a sword from the belt of his black ripped jeans. It was completely black, with wickedly sharp edges. My dad's people," he said. "I think they know." He was all too aware of the dark presence around him.

"I thought he hadn't bestowed his power on anyone," Evie said wildly, pulling her bronze dagger from the pouch clipped onto her shorts. "He hasn't," Tomas replied, irritated by her. "But that doesn't mean he doesn't have friends. Friends that are dark... like him."

Will pulled out his spear from its harness on his back. "Dark? Are they elementals like us?"

Tomas shook his head. "Creatures that have elements of his dark powers. They come from the shadows." His face darkened, knowing that the Earth kid's life was seriously in danger. "They're dangerous."

On the ground, Leo moaned.

A cackle sounded. "Indeed we are."
Black smoke curled around Tomas' ankles as three figures appeared sixty metres away. At a glance they looked like teenage girls, all with pitch black hair cascading down their shoulders. Their skin was a deathly white, and they carried pitch black bows with quivers full of the same arrows on their backs.

"Cypres," Tomas whispered. "Demons that feed on misery." The Cypre in the centre cackled again. "The earth child is dying from our darkness spreading through his blood. You three are lucky you didn't get shot. Your death will be much more painful, don't you worry."

All at once, Will dropped to his knees. "Mum?" he whispered desperately. "Mum? Is it really you?" Getting up and walking forwards, he stroked the air, a tiny half-smile on his sharp features. "I miss you, mum." Tomas almost snorted. He'd been right, this kid was no fighter. Will's ruffled blonde hair blew in the wind as he reached forward again.

Evie stepped forward. "What have you done to him?" she demanded. The Cypres cackled together. "He'll go mad with misery and longing," Tomas muttered. "His Demons from the past will drive him insane."

"No!" Evie shrieked. She stepped forward again. The Misery Demons stepped back, shielding their faces. "Too much light," one muttered. The leader looked up at her angrily. "You will die, girl," she snapped. "Even more painfully than your dark friend here." Tomas knew they were talking about him.

The Demon waved her hand and Evie too fell to the Earth. She immediately burst into tears and cried out. "Mark!" she screamed. "No, Mark... take my hand." Evie reached out her hand to grasp whatever she was seeing.

The leader Cypre shot an arrow at Tomas, who watched it plunge into his chest incredulously, then pulled it out and snapped it in half. "I am a child of the darkness," the Russian snarled, swinging his pure black sword menacingly at the Demons. "I control the fear, misery and pain. I do not succumb to it, foul creatures."

The Demons looked angry. Wings sprouted from their shoulders, claws extended from their hands as they rose into the air and descended on their prey, the son of the Shadow.

Tomas stood still before raising his sword and slicing the first demon out of the air. It dissolved into black ash which floated slowly to the ground.

"You can't kill me," Tomas growled, and spikes of pure black shot from his hands towards the demons., who dodged out of the way. "But I can kill you."

The leader Cypre hissed. "Maybe we cannot kill you," she said menacingly. "But we can hurt you."

The two left swooped forward, claws outstretched and screeching. Tomas stepped aside. "Is that all you've got?" he asked tauntingly.

"No," the leader hissed, smiling. Suddenly, Tomas' back surged with pain. He fell to the ground, howling as the Cypre that he'd killed scraped its claws across his thin t-shirt.

His vision flickered, as the Cypres closed in on his thoughts, creating hopelessness, sadness, regret. Misery.

Against his will, Tomas began to seep into the darkness.

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