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sorry for the low quality of the gif. idk what's wrong with it, it wasn't like that when I downloaded it tho. :( anyways, how's the story so far? it seems pretty crappy for me. (╥_╥)


Perplexity seemed to settle upon Seulgi after reading the letters from the same unknown person everyday. Moreover, she couldn't focus on her studies.

"Who was that? I can't take this any longer." She uttered silently while wounding a strand of her hair round her finger upon remembering the letter she have read recently.

"One of my closest friends? I have many of them. Who among them, though?"

Going back to reality, she finally listened to the discussion. The love letters have left her flabbergasted, so she was placidly wandering in her own thoughts.

When their professor dismissed them, she immediately stood up as she pulled her phone out of her pocket when it suddenly buzzed, alarming her to read the message she received from Irene.


Seul, go to the lockers. I have something to give you.

Because of that, she rushed to the lockers, taking two steps at a time. She didn't know why, but she felt what Irene had to give her was of importance.

"Seulgi-ah!" Irene called while waving her hand, giving her the specific location of the rendezvous.

"W-What is it?" She asked as soon as she had reached Irene, still panting as she tried to catch her breath from the long flight of steps.

Seulgi's eyes slightly widened when Irene gave her a letter which looked exactly the same with the letters she received these past few days.

"Someone put it on my desk. I don't know who it was. I saw 'Kang' so I presume that this is for you since there are no other Kangs here, am I right?" Irene explained.

Seulgi nodded slowly, "Yes. Ah, I really want to know the person behind this. But how?"

An idea crossed Irene's mind that brought her to a sudden enthusiasm, "Why don't you write that person a letter too and leave it on top of your desk? He'd probably get it if he attempts to send you another love letter." She suggested.

The lady looked at her with wonderment, then her lips curved into a knowing smirk.


Crumpled papers were scattered on the wooden tiled floor. Seulgi's bedroom were dark; the lamp on her study table was the only one illuminating the entire room. She kept on scratching her head, knowing that she still haven't started writing a simple letter yet for her so-called secret admirer under the name baby bear.

"Dear Mister─aish! No." She grunted as she crumpled the fiftieth piece of paper and tossed it to the floor.

"You had seriously wasted your money in buying those papers." Someone mumbled, causing her to let out a short squeal.

Seulgi turned around behind her, "Taeyeon-unnie! S-Since when did you get in here?" She asked as the pounding in her heart started to ease.

"Uh, fifteen minutes ago? Didn't you hear the creak of the door?" She asked.

Seulgi scratched her head, "I was probably oblivious."

Taeyeon chuckled and stood up from the couch, "You know what, just thank him and write down all your thoughts about the letters he's been giving you. Simple as that." She said and rubbed Seulgi's hair.

"That's what I'm trying to do." Seulgi replied and pouted.

"Then go ahead. Just make the letter as simple as possible. I'll go out now." Taeyeon said then went out of Seulgi's room.

Seulgi composed herself and leaned against her chair, "Hmm."


To my secret admirer who gives me love letters everyday,

To tell you honestly, I really want to meet you already. I really want to see your face. I want you to reveal yourself to me. Don't worry, I won't judge you. But if you really need more time, just tell me who you really are by writing a letter. I have a lot of questions in my mind─who are you? Why do you love me? When did it started? How?

You keep on bothering my mind. Seriously, I can't concentrate. I'm having assumptions, and there are actually plenty of guys showing sweet and kind gestures to me. I mean, are you one of them?

Not to mention that you're one of my close friends. Dude, I have 5 guy best friends and I can't seem to notice anything suspicious.
You're really good in hiding your feelings, aren't you?

Just please tell me who you really are, face to face.
You might regret that sooner or later, someone has stolen my heart.
Don't be late. :)

─ Kang Seulgi

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