0.01 // to the coming

6 1 0


you don't exist,
at least not in my life.

my lungs collapse
at the very thought of
you, with your thieving lips
and my stolen breaths.

in this time,
where mind and heart
live at a standstill
waiting for that moment.

the day when my eyes
fall on you,
and i know i'll recognise you-
because who else
has lips like yours?

so until that very day,
i'll patiently accept time
in trickles of light.
slowly filling my darkness:

hands at the ready,
to catch
my lost whispers.


THERE IS A FUTURE OUT THERE | We all like to reminisce about the past, where black and white would mingle into a series of greys. Each depth in lightness and darkness telling a story, far greater than the sky above us. A past, riddled with the should've, would've, could've. So many regrets, and most of all, so many vows. Vows for a better, greater, guiltless future.

For most, for the ones who sit at a standstill and continue to live in their past- they will never have change. People will continue to enter and exit their lives, like a free movie advertised in the mountains. These are the people who will never grow and accept their flaws. They'll fall in and out of love, in and out of hate, in and out of every extreme.

In their selfish, unforgiving minds will lie darker extremes that battle anything that could pose happiness. Until you learn to surrender, to who you are and why you are here- no one will ever be enough for you, just as life will never be enough for you.

To that young person - filled with so much passion and hope - gazing at the aged couple walking, peacefully into the sunrise- questing in the search for someone to grow old with, learn to co-exist with success and failure. How can you love someone else, when you have none left for you?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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