Hello Again

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I was at one of those big american ceremonies, I don't even know wich one.Too high for this.Whatever,I was here with Mel,she was supposed to take care of me these last weeks,under the command of my mother.She was "concerned" since I broke up with Chris.Yeah right.I wasn't in the mood of go out and see people at a dumb awards ceremony.I wasn't even nominated but Jay asked me to come.I was sitting right next to him and Bey was on the other side.

-I'm glad you came.He says

-Yeah,well thanks you to make me come here I guess.

-Come on baby girl,you know it's for your own good.

I turned to Mel and Rich,my body guard.

-I need to pee.Alone.I'll be right back.

Mel gave me a desperate look and sat.So as Rich.By going to the corridors,I've seen Nicki.Nicki Minaj of course.I had not spoken to her since...Drake.Of course,Drake, he was probably here too.How stupid I am.

-Hey my dolly beauty girl!OMG how are youuuuu?!

She was obviously happy to see me.It makes me smile.Nicki always been great with me.

-Hey,how are you? I asked her

-Better than you.Listen you know I can be a good friend Rihanna, I always have an ear for you, you know this huh?

She make me want to cry,as usual I'm just a cryer,I'm not the strong woman I appear to be, at bottom I am just someone,with feeling and fear.Like everybody I think.She look me in the eyes and takes me in her arms.

-I know how it feels baby girl huh.I have to go,if ya want we could talk later.

Why everybody was calling me "baby girl",Anyway,I don't know what we could of talk about but Nicki is a great person.I nooded in sign to approuvement and continue.Thanks to Nicki now I was thinking to Drake.Aub' as I used to call him a few years ago.Since the beef he had with Chris I hadn't spoken to him.We weren't in a simple relationship,I don't even know what we were but,one night, it was up to the point of kissing with passion and I lived him, ashamed, because at this time I was lost on the fact that I thought of Chris while feeling something for Aubrey.And I didn't wanted to make him suffer. Since,I had only seen him once at the Grammys where I was with Chris.I was standing in the corridor to the toilets,somebody was already in.The door opened.it was him.Oh God,like by some chance I was talking about him and he appears in front of me.I was holding my breath,he looked good.Better than me obviously.He did not move either and smiled.So I smiled too,evidently a stupid smile.

-Eum,hi.I just said

Ok now it's official I am the stupidest person on Earth,I am sure I looked like a seventeen teenager.

-Hey Robyn, how is it going?

Come on, why I was watching him like that? I was mad just two seconds ago.

-Hum good,I..I am good.Listen I have to g...

He took my words while I started to go.

-Wait! Euh,I was wondering if we could talk.I mean,we has not had the opportunity to since...You know.

Of course I knew, and I madly wanted to talk to him right now.

-Of sure.I'll text you then.

He made a sort of reverently and leave.I didn't know what to think right now.Wasn't he supposed to be mad at me ? After all I was the one that made the wrong choice.

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