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I didn't see him since he'd been to the basketball game. He was on tour for like a week now and I was still in LA for my future album, meeting songwriters and recording stuffs. Melissa had gone back to Barbados to see one of her friend who was getting married. Well that's what she said, if she thinks she can hide me she sees someone in Barbados, she's wrong. At the end of the week there would have the AMA's here and I was nominated in a few categories so I would go. And, Aub' will be there for his American tour, he sent me a message saying that I could come to his show if I wanted to. I said yes cause I fucking wanted to, and I needed some fun because I didn't go out much with the studio work.

-We need shopping. Said Jennifer

-Today ?

-Yeah, I allow you, me, Jennifer Rosales, to do shopping today.

I laughed.

-Okay then. Besides I need a dress for the AMAs.


I know that she doesn't want me to do shopping because she wants to but she has something else in mind, probably a girl talk, as usual.

We have done a lot shopping and it was cool, it was a good day . I bought a beautiful black simple dress which stopped above the knee. It was so simple but at the same time very classy. The AMAs were just the night after Drake show in LA, Jenn will follow meat both, as usual. But I'm sure she loves that, going out at big parties and everything. We were sitting at the table of a coffee shop.

-We're going to the club tonight? She asked

-I don't know, I'm not really in the mood and Yusef will do my hair tomorrow morning.

-Yeah right. And we already go out tomorrow.

She was looking at me with a so suspicious look.

-What? I asked smilling

-Oh nothing, I was just wondering something.

-Then tell me !

-Okok, calm down! She said, Well, you know, I wonder what you guys said when you went to dinner, you didn't really tell us actually.

I was blushing and smiling rethinking to this evening.

-Nothing special you know, we just talked about.. what our lives became since three years that's it.

-Oh really, how cute.

-There's nothing cute! Stop now with your speculations Jenn!

she stopped talking with a smirk on her face and we went back home.


It's was 08:00 pm and I was all ready to go to the concert. Only me, Jenn and Rich my body guard had VIP places. I wasn't really discreet in the crowd, taking a few pictures and taking place in the VIP section.


I turned back and saw Chubbs, Drake's friend that I hasn't see in a while. We hugged and he was all smiling.

-Drizzy didn't tell me you were coming.

-Can't blame him for that! I answered

-Yeah, it's nice to see you there, you'll stay with us at the after?

I turned to Rich that was just behind, so he listened and he gave me the 'okay' look.

-I guess.

-Good, I'll tell you more about it then.

He gave me the address and everything and I gave it to Rich. The show was now beggining, the lights turned off, the crowd started feeling the thing and was getting into it and he was there, on stage with his outfit that fit him so well. I was just like everybody else in this place, staring at him doing his thing and killing it.

The show was amazing, it's been a long time that I haven't go to a concert, and his was way better than I expected. The crowd was crazy, going numb at everything he was doing on stage and I must admit that I was completely having fun. At the end of the show, I went backstage with Snoop and some others persons in the VIP section with me.

-Hey !

Drake said as we arrived in his loge. He hugged some, saying that it was good to see them.

-So you came.

He said in my back while I was talking to Snoop. I turned back and made a big smile. He gave me a hug and smiled back to me.

-Why wouldn’t I ?I said

-I don’t know, he laughed, you come to the after party? There will be everybody.

-Yeah, Chubbs told me, I’ll come, I smiled

-Good, I’ll see you there then.

He smiled to me a last time, staring at me in the eyes and went seeing someone else in the room. Everybody was taking pictures to put them on Instagram or some shit like that, it was cool to be here, surrounded by people I like and having fun with them, I think I was being better since I was re talking to Drake. I don’t know, maybe that’s just an impression.

We were now in a club in LA, it was full and there was plenty of atmosphere here, I could feel the heat of the party, I also was really into it dancing and drinking maybe I was drunk actually. But there were always someone watching after me so I could do whatever I wanted. And having fun was one of these things. I sat a moment, I danced too much, I saw Drake and stared at him while sitting in the bottom of my seat. He turned his face to me and started watching me too, smiling like a baby. We were far from each other but I felt there were only us in this party. I wanted him.I could tell now because I was sure of it. I fucking wanted him right now but I wasn’t that kind of girl, saying something and getting it in the minute, I was drunk anyway. I looked away and went to Jenn, which was really having fun.

-Can we go now? I’m feeling tired. I asked her

-Of course, I’m texting Rich and we’ll go.

She texted him and a few minutes later, we were in the car, heading home.

This chapter isn’t as good as I expected but, anyway, I’ll update another one soon.

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