Chapter 1

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The crystal clear water rocks me back and forth as I watch the sun’s bright rays burn out making it’s way to the other end of the Pacific Ocean. The sand between my toes relax’s me as I look off into the distance of pure water, with a boat here and there. As I look all around me, I see happy couples laughing and kissing. A couple years ago, I would have been thinking ‘Can’t anybody around here get a room?’ But since I met an amazing guy named Gavin, I feel complete and not alone anymore. Oh yeah, my name is Ashley, I’m 15 years old, and I live in Orange County, CA. I have dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and let’s just say I’m not the tallest crayon in the box. It’s the middle of April, and school already ended today (Friday.) I met Gavin in my health class, which happens to be the only class we have together. (The weirdest thing about that is that we’re learning about the male and female reproduction system, which is... well, very disturbing.) 


 I was just finishing up my notes when the bell rings for next period. I gather my things and start to make my way out the door when Thomas trips me and I fall to the floor. I start to make my way upright when I see someone reaching their hand out to help me. I thought it was my best friend, Marlee, but it was a boy named Gavin. I lean up and put my hand on top of his. He smiles at me and leans down to pick up my things. He hands me my textbooks and waits for me to begin walking.

“Are you okay? It looked like it hurt.” Said Gavin, ending with a little laugh that immediately stops.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I reply, trying to lie to him. “Thomas does that all the time.”

“Well he shouldn’t treat a beautiful lady like yourself with suck disrespect.” He says, giving me a smile that seems to light up the world. He waves his hand towards me which signals me that we should start walking to class. 

“Thank you for helping me up, and for the compliment.” I say, trying not to blush, but by his reaction, I know I did.

“No Problem - “ He begins, but stops, looking for the missing piece. “Ashley?”

“Yeah.” I respond with a small laugh. I stop because I’ve reached my next class. He looks at the classroom door and looks back at me.

“Well, nice getting to talk to you.” He begins. “Maybe I can help you out again?”

“Yeah... You’ll get the chance.” I say, trying to play it cool, which was an epic fail.

“Great. I’ll catch ya later ight?” He says beginning to walk off, but not until I give him an answer.

“Yeah.” I say. “See ya.” He turns around and waves his hand backwards which tell me that he’s saying bye. 

I walk into my next class which is Science, and the bell rings. I made it just in time. I walk over to my desk and set down my things. We’re learning and doing projects on cells. I have Cytoplasm, which is the fluid that fills the inside of a cell. My friend Sarah walks over to me because the teacher is talking to her T.A (teacher’s assistant). 

“Oooh!” She says, giving me a wink. 

“Oooh what?” I ask, confused.

“I saw the way he was talking to you. He likes you!” She says, in a loud whisper. 

“Who? Gavin?? No, a guy like him would never like a girl like me...” I say, looking up toward the ceiling which tells Stephanie that I’m thinking.

“Of course he does and it’s possible! And what do you mean a girl like you?” She asks, giving me the eye look she does that sends chills throughout my body.

“I mean, Gavin is cute - “ She cuts me off before I can finish.

“Your pretty, funny, and nice. Why don’t you think you have a chance with him?” She says, making it sound more like an interrogation than a way to set me up with Gavin.

“I would have finished my sentence and told you the rest but you cut me off.” I say, trying to get her mad but in a humorous way. She lets out a sigh and gives me the puppy dog face. I turn away and don’t look back until I know she has gone back to her seat because she knew I wouldn’t budge. I watch her sit down in her seat across the room and raises her middle finger up. I give it right back, when I realize she’s doing it to her boyfriend, Jarred, who sits behind me. I turn back to see Jarred flipping her off and mouthing ‘I love you fag.’ I raise my eye brow at him and he looks at me and says what I make out to be ‘fuck you’, but he said ‘vacuum’. I roll my eyes and turn around facing the white board. The teacher is writing something down before she begins to speak.

 *Flashback is interrupted*

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