Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hi, this is my first time writing a non fanfic so urm, I'm not really good at writing but I hope you enjoy the story.

"I think you should not go to school tomorrow. You need to rest," Mum said as she sat at the chair next to the hospital bed.

I was lying on the hospital bed, due to my attempt of my 7th sucidal. This time, I had cut my wrists and lost alot of blood. 

"Its fine Mum, really. I can survive in hell..Like I always do," I said softly. 

School is like a living hell, all they know is to spread rumors about you, bully you, make you feel imperfect. That is why I hate the 'cool' people. The one that has alot ot attention on them. I hate the basketball team and the girls that hang around them. They talk badly about you as if they are so perfect. 

"Do you really, really, desperately want to die?" my thirteen year old sister, Megan, asked me. "Yes. Badly," I sighed. 

I went to change into some decent clothes in the bathroom and got into my Mum's car. I was released after a day from the accident.

"I don't get it, how many times do you want the family to move? It costs money okay, Eloise? Its not THAT easy. Your hospital bills and the moving bills and alot more! What are you trying to do to the family?" Mum said in a low voice, trying not to shout. She knows this is all hard for me.

I didn't want my family to sacrifice just because of me. That is why I hope my next attempt will not fail.



The bell rang, class was over, it was time for me to go to the counselling room. When I was on my way to the room, a group of girls were looking at me, talking about me. 

"Oh god, its that weird girl again, when is she ever going to transfer out? I heard that she was in the hospital two days ago and no one came to visit her except for her family. I mean, she's just forever alone!" they bursted out laughing.

"Why was she in the hospital? Oh. My. God! Did she commit suicide?" they whispered, staring at me. Their whisper was VERY loud.

I knocked into one of the basketball players while I was glaring at them and made him REALLY angry. 

"Hey weird girl, watch where you are going!" he yelled. I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. "Are you mute or something? Aren't you going to say sorry?" He leaned in closer to me, raising his eyebrow. 

I continued staring at him. There was no way I was going to show him respect if he and his friends don't show respect either.  I gave him one last look at walked away, quickly, as everyone stared at me and laughed. I opened a door to the staircase and saw a couple making out.

"I'll never know how a kiss feels," I whispered to myself. I ran up the stair case as I could still hear laughter. 

When I got to the second floor, another couple were hanging out by the lockers and hugging each other. I walked faster so that I wouldn't drop onto the floor and cry. 

I quickly got into the counselling room and slammed the door.

"Are you in a hurry Eloise? If so, you are dismissed," Mr.Black said. "It's just, people are talking about me, laughing at me, I can't take it anymore!" I expressed myself as I sat at the chair opposite of Mr.Black's desk.

"Oh really, what do they say about you?" Mr.Black asked. "Well..they call me 'weird girl'," I said, using my fingers to quote 'weird girl'. 

"Its because you don't talk to people. Did you talk to people for these past few days?" Mr.Black asked, expecting me to say yes.

"Yes," I lied. Mr.Black raised an eyebrow as if he couldn't beleive me. "Okay..I lied. But, why should I? They are all so mean," I said.

"To tell you the truth, when I was first told that a 'weird girl' was coming in, I expected some crazy hair and a mental girl but when I got to know you more, you became a good friend of mine," Mr.Black said. 

Mr.Black was being nice, whenever I felt like I needed someone to talk to, I would just go into the counselling room and talk to him. "Thanks but I need to go, bye," I smiled and opened the door.

"Hey weird girl! Catch this!" 

I turned around to see who it was and notice it was one of the basketball players. Also, a ball hit my head and I fell onto the floor, my vision all blurry. "Dude! Why the heck did you do that?!" I heard a boy yell but his voice was fading away.

"Urrrggggghhhh.." I groaned as got up from the bed I was lying on. "I'm going to have to call her parents to pick her up," Mr.Black said to someone I didn't know. "No! Don't call my parents, I'm fine," I yelled.

"Say sorry Kevin!" a familliar voice yelled. "I'm not going to say sorry to weird girl," another familliar voice said.

Two basketball player came in to the room I was in, the sick bay, and stared at me. The captain, Percy, elbowed his friend. His friend shook his head and walked out.

"I'm sorry on behalf of Kevin," Percy said. I just stared at him, confused. "He threw a ball at your face and you fainted? By the way, this does NOT mean we're friends," he said and walked away.

"I never wanted to be your friend anyways," I said as he closed the door. "I'll leave now," I said to Mr.Black. 

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