Chapter One: A Major Change

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Miami, Florida

A year and a half later.....

Things happen for a reason. Whether it's good, bad, or just flat out ugly, it always seem to have a major affect on ones future. Take Beyonce and Onika for instance. In the beginning, Onika was a regular young woman who worked as a receptionist for a banking company, then you had Beyonce, a wanted criminal in 42 states and banned in the other eight. Decisions where made and lives were taken, but if Beyonce had been guided correctly in her younger years as a minor, she wouldn't have became Americas most wanted. She wouldn't have met the love of her life, and then there would not have been a Beyonce and Onika Knowles.

Getting to the point of what is being said, Onika and Beyonce are no longer together, instead, they live on total opposite sides of the world. One of them in Miami and the other in California. Before we began to jump off at the author, let her briefly explain to you how it happened.

About a year later Onika had once again been kidnapped. She and Beyonce were so busy trying to find Cyn, they just didn't see the clues she left that were right in their faces the whole time. Long story short, Beyonce gets Onika back and Onika brings up the lost of their son being her fault along with her many kidnapping experiences. She couldn't deal with it no more, no matter how much Beyonce cried and begged Onika, she wouldn't stay. She just couldn't. I mean would you stay if your life and the people you love lives are in danger 24/7? I didn't think so. You've heard of cause and effect right? That should be enough said right there.

Currently, Beyonce's been going through some things while Onika, she seem to have it all together. She's moved on and decided to remarry. She's not married yet and Beyonce still isn't normal. Without Onika being present to keep her sane, her life went left and off a cliff, along with her heart and feelings.

Miami, Florida
June 24th

Sounds of laughter and bumping could be heard coming from an elevator as a stripper tried to help a drunk Beyonce to her room at the Grand States Hotel.

The elevator opened and out stumbled Beyonce as Diamond, the stripper, struggled in her heels to try and catch up with Beyonce. She would die of laughter every time Beyonce would trip head first but catch herself joking about how she almost fell.

"D-did you-...did you see t-that?!" Beyonce laughed loudly as she fumbled with her words for a second. She couldn't even process half of what she was doing.

"Yasss! Oh my god. Are you ok?" The stripper laughed as she tried to help Beyonce keep her balance. Beyonce only shrugged her off.

"Look h-here baby, I- Beyonce got me, ya heard! We close, we, we like Bonnie and Carol, batman and King of hearts, water and melon type close baby. Ya ain't gottah help me. I got dis." Beyonce smirked barely being able to run her fingers down the blondes face causing her to giggle.

"What's your room number?" Diamond asked trailing after Beyonce who occasionally knocked down nearby vases that were filled with flowers that stood in the corridor.

"I can't tell you that!" Beyonce yelled whispered.

"You might be a stalker, ya know, like high key tryna rape me." Beyonce laughed as she came before a door that resembled hers, but then again all the doors looked alike, but Beyonce's was different.

"Girl hush, and why your door gotta dent in it?" Diamond questioned as she watched Beyonce dig through her pockets trying to find her keycard. Beyonce ignored her and soon diamond got her answer as she watched Beyonce hit her fist against the door in frustration when she couldn't find her key.

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