Chapter Twenty-Six: Caught Up

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NEW COVER ALERT, made it myself, do you like or nah? .

If not I'll go back to the old one

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If not I'll go back to the old one..

If not I'll go back to the old one

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Houston, Texas
Same Day..

"PSSSSTTTTTT." Nicki turned over in her slumber when the sounds of a snake or some sort filled her eardrums. She continued to sleep as though there hadn't been a sound in the first place.

"Pssssssssssssstttttttt!" The sound went off again, this time catching Nicki's full on attention as she sat up in bed. The room had began to darken due to the sun's disappearance behind the clouds as the the moon began to takes its spot in the the royal blue sky.

"Pssssssstttt! Nicki!!" Nicki recognized that accented voice anywhere. Even if it was in a whisper tone. She smiled and got out of bed running over to the window. She frowned when she saw nothing but trees.


"Oh my god." Nicki said after seeing Robyn appear in the air and then descending back to the ground as she jumped on the trampoline.

"I...see...her!" Robyn yelled looking down at someone Nicki couldn't make out. She tried to open the window but had no luck. Robyn appeared again and told Nicki to stay put.

"Beyonce said don't....go anywhere!" Robyn shouted in a hurry as she tried to talk in one jump.

"Where the hell am I gone go?!" Nicki yelled.

"See that's the attitude that's gone get her ass left." Nicki could hear Robyn say as she exited the trampoline. She saw the other figure, known to be Beyonce, smack robyn in the back of the head and the two began to argue and push each other around.

"Keep ya damn hands off me yo!" Robyn yelled shoving Beyonce into nearby bushes.

"Touch me again you ant bite nipple havin ass bitch!" Beyonce yelled, now her turn being to shove Robyn into nearby bushes, bushes that consisted of thorns. Robyn let out a loud Yelp and Nicki covered her mouth and began to yell at the two idiots.

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