Chapter 6 - Sunset

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The mountain view was beautiful at its peak.

The place where I was standing on was surrounded by wild flowers, illuminated by the setting sun. When I looked towards the horizon, I could see it casting long shadows. Birds soared above me as they were heading home to their nests. They probably smelled the fresh scent of the approaching night as the sky was starting to darken.

I knew it was the wrong time to enjoy the view, but I couldn't help but think James really did pick out a nice location.

Following the shadow of the mountain, I could see my old campus. I could see people playing sports on the field, people gathered in groups to study and people just generally having a good time living their lives.

Sometimes I wondered, did I make the right choice in life? Could I have been happier if I stayed in college? I do really enjoy the work I'm doing right now, but the pressure is almost killing me. Two million pairs of eyes are fixated on you while you try to entertain them. I should be thankful that people are even willing to see my animations. I really am, but I couldn't ignore the judgmental eyes constantly watching me.

How did I even manage to get this far? How haven't I already cracked of the pressure?

Suddenly, I heard someone scream in the distance.


I really should've taken another route to escape. Seriously, what possessed me to run towards the peak? There's no way down but to run into James!

While I was contemplating my life decisions, I saw a head peak up above the path. Sure enough, it was a very sweaty and a very red James.

"Jaiden, Jai-den, wait! Please, listen! I didn't mean..."

He stopped in his tracks. He really didn't look very well, and to get up on this mountain at this speed must've been a miracle. He panted and held his hand against his mouth, then suddenly ran away again.

I frowned, then realized what he was going to do. I rushed over to his side, offering him a napkin. Once he was done, he wiped his mouth off.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"It's okay. It happens."

I walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. Immediately I regretted the decision. This was the same bench where I had my first kiss. But I had no intention to sit on the ground, so I just accepted my fate.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," James repeated over and over again.

"No, I should apologize. I shouldn't have run off like that. I know it must have been tough to admit your own feelings. I wish I had that courage."

I looked down, suddenly very intrigued at the little ants crawling around my feet. Working hard as always, without ever complaining about their work conditions. I wish I had that kind of mindset.

I heard James who was now sitting next to me, scooting closer.

"Would you mind telling me what you're thinking about? You've been acting strange today."

"You'll probably not understand."

"You always say that!" James shouted. I flinched at his sudden outburst, looking up from the ground. He was standing now, clearly very agitated.

"You always claim that there's nothing wrong with you, yet I know that there's something slowly hurting you inside! But you never tell it to anyone, you just bottle it up inside and expect me to somehow mind read your problems! Why won't you ever tell me anything?"

The 2 Million Subscriber Special (JaidenAnimations fanfic feat. theodd1sout)Where stories live. Discover now