00 | "the girl, cursed"

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{ "the girl chained by time." }


' s h e
w h o
r e m e m b e r s. '


HER LIFE WAS A CYCLE. Not metaphorically. It was a cycle that started with the accursed number of twenty three and ended with the same. It was a never ending cycle that was as inescapable as it was hurtful. It kills her every time only to be reborn the next moment.

Her features remain the same; eyes of chartreuse and chocolate brown locks. She does not become an infant in the next life. The woman was twenty three years old and forever would be.

This cycle was inescapable. She's stopped trying to escape it too.

And soon, she would meet him. The man who she would fall in love with.

The man who would treasure her, and hold her in his arms like she was the last drop of water in the desert. His face changed every time they met, but there was one thing that remained constant.

She couldn't stop loving him. She was the Orpheus to his Eurydice. They were a Greek Tragedy.

The sky bled different colors: red, orange and purple. The last color made her bite her lower lip. It was the color of his eyes in their past life. The purple. She'd think it were amythest gems in her mind and stroke his hair as dark as midnight, watch his smile as brilliant as the sun on daylight.

In a few minutes, darkness would spread over the land. The stars would be at their brightest for the moon would disappear. He would appear to her with a perpetual smile on his face, and perhaps the most appalling of appearances.

He would be naked.

She would see him bathing in the lake, his body akin to a marble sculpture- symmetrical angles and perfectly detailed curves and lines: perfection.

First time she saw it she remembered closing her eyes and the scream that threatened to escape her lips. Heat had emanated from her cheeks coloring it with the most palpable shade of red. Then it happened the next. And the next, and so on and so forth that she's so damn tired. She had seen it everytime that she didn't even care about the way his flesh looked like it had been carved from marble, how his eyes looked similar to gems and his hair so soft that she would be so stupid as to run her fingers through it.

The sun was gone.

She closed her eyes and the wind howls. It made some of the branches of trees scratch against each other leaving rustling sounds I'm their wake. It made some of the dying leaves fall. It did many things for the night, but she knew for a fact that the wind was not the one causing the ripples in the nearest lake. It was him.

She looked up and she saw the night sky void of the moon. It was a peculiar sight, but it was common for her. The stars twinkle and she fought the urge to run away. She had done it before; she tried to change the cycle. It was the seventh time, if she remembered correctly. It was vague, soiled by time but she remembered turning her back from the lake and running away before she met him. She had bumped into someone. That was him. She thought it wasn't him. She thought the man who would be the death of her was in the lake, bathing.

She followed the person she bumped into. Stupid and careless. She had fallen in love with him in the span of three months. It was moronic. She thought that the cycle had finally changed. That this man would make her happy. That they would finally have what they deserved. A way to end this curse. It lasted for years. Their love. And then doom, the end.

CHAINED FLOWERS ( z. dragneel )Where stories live. Discover now