07 | "the brokenhearted"

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{ the brokenhearted. }


' s h e
w h o
r e m e m b e r s '

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ESEN THINKS OF TALES AS SHE LAY ON THE GROUND, CARESSING THE COLD BODY OF THE MAGICAL DEER. The enchanted creature who instead of bringing clarity unto her senses, did nothing but worsen the current situation and made it more complicated than it already was.

The deer's tale. Maybe it was a fable. Telling lessons through actions of animals that are humane.

Perhaps it told the story of a deer who could have left, but chose to stay and help a woman then met his ultimate demise. Fables are tales you tell to children, when you tuck them in their beds for goodnight. Be careful of Esen Rietvield, she brings death to those who tread near her.

"Letter Magic: Fire!"

A ball of fire is hurled towards Esen at a pace she does not manage to catch on to. She attempts to swerve out of its way, but the flaming letters latch onto some pieces of skirt and her skin.

"The Magic Council?" Esen murmurs to herself as she sees the insignia of the most powerful council in the continent of Fiore emblazoned in the mage's clothing.

"State your name!" One of the mages order her and Esen tilts her head in curiosity, shouldn't they have asked that before hurling magic at her?

The burns hurt, that much is certain, but Esen knows that they will heal later, so she pays it no attention and lets the placid expression on her face remain. She raises her hands in a gesture of surrender. "Esen Rietvield."

"Search for her name in the archives," the one who hurled the letter magic told one of his subordinates before turning back to Esen. His face has a long, jagged scar across it, framed by muddy brown hair. There are spectacles perched on his nose. "Esen Rietvield, under the authority of the Magic Council, you are under arrest for murder of the sacred deer."

Esen does not say anything.

"Johann, sir! We've located her, but there seems to be some irregularities," the lackey says. "Among the eighteen Esen Rietvields in our archives, we've found her face but the files are registered to someone who lived fifty years ago."

"And yet here she is in her youth," the one named Johann murmurs.

"Sir, Esen Rietvield, she's charged with murdering her husband! She vanished, was presumed to be dead, but there's no mistaking it. She killed her husband and through the use of magic, she may have preserved youth."

"Interesting..." Johann murmurs. "Arrest her. The penalty for those crimes if proven are death. She may have some tricks up her sleeve so exercise caution."

"I don't have anything," Esen responds, her arms still raised in surrender, her face void of emotion. "And a hanging will do none of us good."

"Silence," Johann screams as some of the mages around him circle her and prepare for attack.

"I did not kill the deer," Esen murmurs. "As far as I am concerned, I have cooperated with you. You have no reason to arrest me. The other accusations are far fetched and insubstantial."

"Silence, woman!" Johann yells again. "If you were really innocent, then there would be no reason for you to not go with us."

"I will not go with you," Esen speaks firmly.

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