09 | "the girl, hopeful"

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{ the girl, hopeful. }


' s h e
w h o
r e m e m b e r s '

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"Good morning," is the first thing Esen says as she wakes up in his arms. He smells like pine forests, feels like home even though Esen has been through a century forgetting that place. But she is not referring to that home of marble and gold, with celestial thrones and a father that has punished her for loving. Home is her and Zeref snuggled together in blankets, watching shooting stars streak the sky overhead.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks and she can never tire of that kindness in his voice. He's easily breathtaking as he brushes a stray lock of her hair from her face.

Esen nods ans hauls herself to a sitting position. "Thank you for being my pillow."

"Thank you for being my blanket," he responds and she flares pink, thinking of how she was splayed all over him like a blanket. Their skins touching, her hand clutching his so tightly, afraid to have him leave.

She smiles and they found themselves staring at each other. Esen can easily get lost in those eyes. She feels the thrum of her heart underneath her ribcage and her eyes are suddenly attracted to the curve of his lips and how they would probably be soft when pressed against hers. She feels him drawing closer, hypnotized.

But then Esen pulls back. "We-We shouldn't," she says, there's fear lingering in her eyes. "The curse... it might get triggered by a... kiss..."

Esen loves him truly, so she will not risk her life like this. She recognizes the disappointment on his face and she feels ashamed. Mortification claims the cells of her body and she stumbles away from him. She is the water that will drown him. Love him, but not too close to hurt. Love him, but protect him from your love. She promises that she won't lose him ever again.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles, stands up quickly. "I'll go get us food."

"No, wait, Esen," Zeref stands up too and tries to grab her arms, but she flees quickly. "You need to rest."

She looks back for a brief moment and smiles at him. "I'll be alright," she says. "Just wait here."

She spends the rest of the morning finding berries and fruits. She stumbles across deers, but she can't find it in her to lay a hand on the magnificent creatures. She gathers some water from a nearby river and fills the containers she got.

She does her best and before the afternoon, she has enough provisions for the both of them. Maybe she should really get some meat, but she can't hunt those defenseless creatures. She closes her eyes and looks to the water. She dips a free hand on the cool surface. Maybe she should fish. With her magic, it wouldn't be difficult.

And she'd have a lesser conscience if t was with fish. Alright then. She stores the water she gathered and the berries on dry land, covering them with a huge leaf she got from one of the ancient trees.

Esen submerges her waist down to the water and concetrates on the ebb and flow of it around her. She dips her hands and tries to feel for anything moving in it. Maybe they could cook the fish over fire and sprinkle some herbs for extra flavor.

Esen closes her eyes, forgets everything around her except for the water. And she searches.

And finds nothing. Esen opens her eyes and sighs. Now she's damp with riverwater and—

CHAINED FLOWERS ( z. dragneel )Where stories live. Discover now