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A few days later--


Well im here, im home for the first time since forvever. Everything felt so different but it all was the same. Spring was beginning, sky was blue and sunny. Humid as hell too so as soon as I stepped out the airport I was sweaty and had frizzy hair.

I had a cab pick me up from the airport. Mom had insisted on picking me up but I told her I didn't want the family to see me just yet. I wanted to be ready.

The cab took me to a little motel next to the high way. I booked my room and started to unpack my clothes. I tried to decide what to wear for my reunion. I would wear black but with the weather today hell no, plus I wear black too much already might as well be called an emo. I decided to wear simple skinny jeans with a red blouse. Black rosary and black hoop earrings.

My phone started to ring again, "Eres tu" by Prince Royce is my ringtone :3.

"Hello." I answered.

"Ana?" Carla was on the other end.

"Was Gucci?" Yes I say that idc if it's lame its my thing.

"Did you land already did u see them?"

"yeah im in a motel right now, no I haven't seen em yet im just getting dressed now."

"Oh ok well I got a surprise for you."

Oh boy Carla and surprises... not usually good.

"What?" I asked with big concern.

"Kells is going to Houston!" she screeched.

"Umm why? is he stalking me or something haha"

"No, not everything is about you, one of his friends is doing a concert in reliant stadium and he's gonna open for him, isn't that great!? you should hang out."

"Cool, I'll see if I can." I said blankly. Carla gave a long exhale.

" Have fun with a guy for once, im starting to think your a nun."

"Good-bye .. talk to you soon."

"but." I cut her off. I wasn't in the mood for her to go on and on about how I haven't dated since Cesar.

My phone started ringing again so I answered thinking it was still Carla.

"Would you.leave me the fuck alone for ten minutes, I just barely got here!"

"Dang girl, see you still got the same bad mouth as always haha." John's voice surprised me.

"Heyyy, sorry I thought you were someone else, wassup?" I said, thankfully he couldn't see my red embarrassed face.

"Nothing, just wanted to see if your ok being back."

"Yeah im alright, just got into a motel and getting ready to go to their house."

"Um don't you mean your home."

"don't start Johnny."

"okay okay, well see you in a bit"

"ok ciao hater"

"bye fucker"

"who's the bad mouth now."

He laughs and hangs up.

Okay... time to get ready.

***********at sister's party**********

Arriving at the front of my former apartments,"Oh my God there as hideous as ever." I say looking at them. They were painted yellow now, the hell was the manager thinking.

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