Chapter 14

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It would get tedious to dedicate every chapter, but a huge thanks to my friend anacnixon who gives me so many awesome ideas

* At Breadstix later that day *

"Kurt doesn't talk much about his old school or friends so I don't really know a lot about you guys." Blaine says.

"Well, this you know is Brooke!" He says putting his hand on top of mine.

"She's new this year, a cheerio, most popular girl in school, dating Sam, beating out Rachel as the new star of the glee club. That used to be Quinn. So Brooke is like the new Quinn!" Kurt exclaims. He should NOT have said that.

Quinn looks pretty mad.

"I never stopped being on top." Quinn says in a snarky voice.

"Ya you did. You had a baby with Puckerman when you were dating Finn and then you gave her up and now you want her back. You know Quinn, you won't always be the top bitch. And didn't you join the skanks?"

Kurt REALLY should not have said that.

"I don't need this, I'm leaving." Quinn storms out and Finn apologizes and follows her.

After the 4 of us have a nice dinner, I go home and check Jacob Ben Israel's blog just to see what's going on.

The headline is titled, 'Cheerio and Glee Promiscuism'

"Word has it that Brooke Yancey, aka Cheerio and Glee hottie, is whoring around with man slut and glee loser Noah Puckerman although she is currently dating bleach blonde glee star Sam Evans. Word also has it that Quinn Fabray is whoring around with one Sam Evans although Fabray is dating the Frankenteen mediocre glee star Finn Hudson who is said to sill be in love with Rachel Berry. We'll keep you posted as more info about the promiscuism glee reports as new information comes in.

- JBI"

I am so mad right now.

I don't know what to believe.

I angrily call Sam.


S: No I don't look anymore since he called my impressions sub par


S: Everybody knows that isn't true! I know you would never do that.

B: It also says Quinn is whoring around with you!

S: Come on Brooke! I hate Quinn and I love you.

B: But she still clearly loves you!

S: But I don't! I love you! Can we just forget about this?

B: I don't know. Can we just like, distance ourselves for awhile?

S: How long?

B: Maybe a week or something. I need to confront Quinn and other drama.

S: It's going to be a long week without you. I love you

- Time lapse to Friday -

Quinn has been all over Sam and I've been trying to ignore it.

I see Jacob Ben Israel walking down the hallway.

"Who told you that stuff about your glee promiscuity story?" I ask.

"Ms. Fabray of course." He replies and walks away.

I had to tell Finn about the rumours and what Quinn said.

She texted me that she is going to dump Finn because she was only using him anyways.

Finn doesn't know anything because she's all over Sam when he isn't around.

As I'm walking down the hall to glee, someone pushes me hard into a locker.


"You told Finn! He broke up with me!" She yells.

We've gathered quite the audience.

"Someone had to, you always act like you're perfect but really you're sneaking around behind Finn's back trying to get Sam! He says he loves me, not you! Because after all, you guys broke up because you were cheating in him with Finn! It's just a full cycle, And you slept with Puck last year when you were with Finn!" I yell back.

"I'm sorry." I immediately realize I did the wrong thing.

"You're stole my popularity, my boyfriend and everybody just loves you! Right after you started dating Sam told me you were fat and ugly and was only dating you to get more popular! He doesn't love you! YOU'RE A BITCH!"

I feel her hand strike my face pretty hard.

She slapped me.

I shove her and she tackles me down and tries to start a physical fight.

I hear Britt say "Stop the violence."

I also hear Coach Sue shout, "Knock it off Fabray!"

She grabs Quinn off of me and tells her to go to Figgins.

Coach Sue helps me up and makes sure I am alright and walks me to Figgins office.

"Honey, if she is that mean to you, I will kick her off. I can't lose you, To be honest, you're one of the only talented girls on the squad."

When we get to Figgins office, Quinn is already sitting down with a smug smirk.

"Fabray, explain yourself!" Coach Sue shouts.

"I have nothing to say."

"If you won't admit to anything, you're getting suspended!" Figgins says.

"GO AHEAD I DON"T CARE!" Quinn shouts.

"TWO WEEKS!" Figgins shouts back.

"Go Fabray." Sue says, pointing out.

Quinn walks away but turns around to say, "That was all true." and then she disappears.

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