Chapter 23

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For a few minutes, we just stand there taking it all in after everyone has left.

Then we gather our stuff from the green room and go back to the hotel.

Once we put our stuff in our rooms, we all meet in one other boys room because Mr. Shue instructs us to.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Mr. Shue exclaims.

We all cheer after that statement.

"Do you guys want to go out for a celebratory dinner?" Mr. Shue asks.

We all cheer again.

"I'll see you guys downstairs in 30 minutes." He says.

The girls go to our rooms.

We change from our stage costumes, dark red, black and white ombre halter dresses into more casual clothes.

I put on medium wash skinny jeans with a white tank top with lace detailing and a light pink cardigan with white polka dots. For shoes I put on a pair of black Toms.

I put on minimal makeup and keep my hair as is.

We all excitedly run to the elevator and down to the lobby where all the boys and Mr. Shue already are.

We all deicide on this local Italian place, as if we don't eat enough at Breadstix, that's in little Italy.

Throughout the whole dinner, we all talk about what glee was like this year.

"I remember when Brooke auditioned, chills!" Kurt exclaimed.

"I remember the first assignment I was here for, the duet one." I mention.

"I of course remember that one. We sang Everything Has Changed." Sam smiles.

"And I remember when I heard Brooke sing Brave. She made me feel like my spotlight could be taken, but I know think of her as, 'friendly competition.' " Rachel jokes.

"And remember when Mike actually sang!" Tina exclaims.

We all laugh.

"I couldn't have been that bad!" Mike exclaims.

"Mike, you were great! We're only laughing because you are the best damn dancer we could ever hope for and you actually sang something!" I assure him.

We all laugh again.

After diner we all go back to the hotel and gather in one of the hotel rooms.

Everyone is here but Puck and Zices.

They come back a few minutes later and Puck is holding something, bottles of vodka and 12 pack of beer.

"Now we can have a party!" He exclaims.

"Man, we could get in trouble!" Finn yells.

"If I didn't get in trouble for buying this haul with a fake id, we have nothing left to get in trouble for!" Puck exclaims cheerfully.

Everyone except Tina, Finn and Sam go for one of the bottles right away.

Britt puts her phone on a dock and we start blaring music and just hanging out while drinking, except for those of us who aren't.

Within 45 minutes, we are all out.

"Anyone who wants to come with me to restock can, but no drunk people!" Puck exclaims.

"I'll go." Tina says.

"I should stay back and look after Rachel!" Finn says loudly so we can hear him over the music.

"I guess I'll go." I say.

Lauren comes too because, well, she's dating Puck.

Puck walks us to a liquor store down the street about a half of a mile.

He buys 2 more 12 packs, which could get dangerous.

Tina and I stop at this really cool store on the way back.

We were gone form the hotel for about an hour.

We can hear the pounding music from the hallway.

When we come back, everybody is starting to get crazy but I don't think anyone drunk, except for Britt maybe.

I notice that Sam isn't in the room and I don't think I see Quinn either.

"Hey guys, we have more supply!" Puck exclaims.

"Where is Sam?" I ask Finn since he is the only person who stayed behind who didn't drink and might know what's going on.

"I think he's in the boys room to the right." He speaks, once again loudly over the music.

"How has it been over here?" I ask him.

"Well, Britt is I guess what you would classify as drunk and Rachel is pretty close to it. I saw Quinn grab a bunch of vodka bottles but I didn't see her drink them."

"Okay, good to know."

Finn gives me the key to that room.

I leave the drunken room to go see Sam next door.

I slide the card in the slot and wait for the light to turn green.

When it does, I pull on the handle to open the door.

And I see...


Making out with Quinn

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