Chapter 2: Hogwarts

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As we arrived at Hogsmeade's Station, I piled after the other first years – Harry quickly led us to a giant. With a dark beard covering half his face, and shaggy hair falling past his shoulders, the large man smiled kindly down at us. "'Ello, Harry," he greeted the boy beside me. Harry grinned back at him before we were all led down a pathway – docked to a glittering black lake were small boats. Quickly hopping into one, I exhaled a sigh of delight when I realised the people who'd accompanied me: Harry, Ron, Hermione and a slightly pudgy boy I didn't know. Quickly introducing himself as Neville Longbottom (I'd heard of him once, when Nymph was telling me of Aurors since she was training to be one), we had a good chat about the houses of Hogwarts. Although the others gushed about Gryffindor, I felt a small connection with another house: Slytherin.

Merely some months ago, Andromeda had randomly discussed my parents with me. I didn't know much about them, except from the fact that they hailed from 'prestigious' pure-blooded families. Whilst talking about them, Andro had informed me that my father had been in Slytherin, whilst my mother was a Ravenclaw. I'd always been intrigued with Slytherin: it prided itself upon ambition, intelligence... it seemed a slightly more confident version of Ravenclaw.

As I was recalling this conversation, I felt someone shake my arm – Hermione was jabbing a finger in front of me. Following where she pointed, I sucked in a breath of wonder. Before me was what I'd been dreaming of for years...


Elegantly standing upon a hill, the castle roamed several miles. Lights flickered all over it, several towers glittering under the moonlight – I could see, in the distance, several greenhouses which shone a luminous green. Above the splendour was a gleaming midnight sky, thousands of silvery stars scattered carelessly. Clutching Hermione's hand, I found we were all silent – our silence was awed.

After several more minutes, the boats came ashore. We all clambered out and were led up hundreds of stone steps which gradually led to the courtyard. As we shuffled up the large stairs to the entrance of the Great Hall, a thin witch wearing satin green robes and a pointed, black hat approached us hurriedly, clutching a drooping scrawl. Shuffling awkwardly, we waited for her to speak.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, first years – I am Professor McGonagall. In a few minutes, you will be lead into the Great Hall, where you will be sorted into your houses. You will spend a good portion of your day in your houses' common rooms: sleeping, socialising and doing work. Now, I ensure that you are all prepared?" she briskly announced, eyeing us all. When no one complained, Professor McGonagall gave a short nod before opening the large, patterned doors. I felt another gasp escape my body: The Great Hall was enormous. Four long, rectangular tables were crowded with students, whilst floating candles lit up the room; there was no roof, and I could see the stars that I'd seen outside. The chatter quietened down as we were marched past people to the front, where a sodden looking hat sat on a stool. Behind it was a table full of what I presumed were teachers, and a wizened man with a white, trailing beard and twinkling eyes in speckled lilac robes stood in the centre.

Straightening her scroll, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat before calling out the first name: "Abbott, Hannah." A short girl wobbled forwards – she hesitantly sat on the stool and the professor pulled the hat over her head. To my utter shock, the hat began to talk.

"Hm... the Sorting Hat is certain with this... HUFFLEPUFF!" As it called this out, the girl dazedly walked over to the cheering table full of yellow and black banners.

I heard Ron shift beside me- he muttered sullenly, "It's just a hat! Fred told me we had to fight a troll or something. I'm going to get him for that."

Only letting a nervous chuckle escape my lips, I waited with bated breath – soon it'd be my turn. Sure enough, after several more people were sorted, I heard Professor McGonagall call out: "Black, Novalee." Several whispers erupted around the hall as I stepped forwards, eyeing the hat suspiciously. Before I knew it, the 'thing' dropped over my face and a small voice filled my ear.

"Hmm, quite a lot of intelligence in this one... bravery, too... but oh yes, I can tell you'd use cunning means to achieve your goals. Yes, I think I know what to put you in-" It suddenly raised its voice, causing me to cringe back slightly, "Better be SLYTHERIN!"

I could see the audience that watched me as the hat was pulled from my head – the table on the far right was cheering far louder than the others. Giving my friends a wide smile – not noticing Ron didn't return it – I hopped from the stool and hurried to sit down. A pretty girl with lidded, brown eyes shook my hand, dark blonde hair cut in a bob. Surprisingly, it suited her soft features – she was very petite.

"Daphne Greengrass," the girl introduced herself, her voice slightly husky. I shook her hand thoroughly, a light smile on my face. "You're a Black?" With a small nod, Daphne whistled under her breath. "That's interesting – I thought you were dying out."

Concealing a frown at this, I responded, "No, we aren't. So, do you have any siblings at Hogwarts?"

The girl paused for a moment. "No, but I have a younger sister coming up in a few years. She'll probably be in Slytherin, as well."

As I went to reply, Daphne abruptly froze – her gaze followed something behind me. Turning at this, I found my gaze colliding with the same light ones from the train.

Draco Malfoy.

Kicking his legs up on the table, he smirked back at me. "I wasn't expecting you to be a Black or a Slytherin," Draco drawled casually, his eyes alight with malice. Rolling my eyes at this, I scrunched my nose up and cast a watchful eye over at the other tables. To my dismay, my three friends from the train had all been sorted into Gryffindor. However, a warm grin returned to my face when Hermione and Harry waved back at me. Ron, for some reason, wouldn't look at me. Shrugging my shoulders at this, my body spun back around – Draco had been surveying me the whole time. A mask slid over his features immediately, before the previous smirk returned.

"What?" I asked, getting rather fed up of his annoying attitude. A small gasp left my lips as I saw the sudden feast before me – this stalled me from talking the irritating boy as I piled food onto my plate: roast chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, turkey and gravy. Digging in with a flourish, I almost missed Draco's next words as I chewed.

"Disappointed you're not with your unfortunate friends, Black?" he shot out. With another roll of my eyes, I resumed eating – after ten minutes, the feast was replaced with desserts of all sorts; I chose a slice of berry strudel. Once I was done eating, the Slytherin prefect quickly led us all to the common room in the dungeons – I made sure I stuck by Daphne. Despite her mild obsession with pure-blooded families, we got along well. I was extremely impressed with the common room, as well as my dormitory.

Due to extending partway under the Black Lake, the common room had a greenish tinge which suited the green lamps dotted all over the room. Black and dark green tufted, leather sofas were positioned everywhere whilst a small fire crackled at the centre. Dark wood cupboards – some open showing their contents (like dusty books) – were beside many tapestries of medieval Slytherins. Students were sleepily having conversations around the room, but the Prefect led us to a spiral staircase. After announcing the girls' dorm was on the right, I followed Daphne and a couple other girls inside it: king sized beds the colour of soft green stood in a circular room. Each bed had dark green curtains which could easily be pulled to hide the bed – I knew this would come in handy. A glittering chandelier hung from the ceiling whilst each bed was accompanied with a small chest of drawers. Quickly claiming a bed beside a window – which partially showed the grounds (I was surprised that the dormitories were stowed away in a secret tower) – I squealed with delight when I saw my great horned owl, Otto, perched on the window sill. After he pecked my finger affectionately, he proceeded to tuck his head under his wing and promptly fell asleep.

Too tired to do much, I drowsily changed clothes after discovering my luggage in the corner of the room, before sneaking under the bed covers. Gradually, the other girls quietened down and before long, light snores filled the room. A warm feeling seeped throughout my body before I too was pulled into a pleasant sleep. 


apologies if there's any mistakes, I did write this at 11pm at night lol. 

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