// one //

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// one year before the start of haywire //


mollydolly and 683 likes

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mollydolly and 683 likes

jamiesiriusp fresh out of uni with a degree in sociology and cripplingly debt to my name

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frednumbertwo me too dude

frednumbertwo but at least i've got a boyfriend

jamiesiriusp @frednumbertwo i'm lacking in the relationship department

louisweasley me two years ago

jamiesiriusp @louisweasley fuck off grandpa :::)

frednumbertwo don't talk to my son like that ever again

louisweasley @frednumbertwo thanks dad

jamiesiriusp @louisweasley @frednumbertwo why are you two like this

al.sev me next year

jamiesiriusp @al.sev good luck in your last year you'll need it

al.sev that's so comforting thanks j

jamiesiriusp @al.sev anytime bro

al.sev you did not just 'bro' me

teddythelupin congrats jamie!

jamiesiriusp @teddythelupin thanks teds


so this is the start i guess ???
i think i'm only gonna do one post per chapter because this fic is only focusing on one couple rather than the whole next gen gang and tbh it's less work but it's still nice !!

please don't hate me lol

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