// eleven //

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rosieposie and 647 likes

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rosieposie and 647 likes

hugomongous idkk woh any of thees people r bc i may possible bybut drunk like one (ome) of thei might be dim ?????????????

{tagged: dimdamdom}

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rosieposie what the fuck hugo

hugomongous @rosieposie WHAT


"okay! join the circle if you want to play."

hugo sighed. he dreaded the next few minutes, maybe even over an hour, to come. truth or fucking dare. aka kiss this person who isn't related to us or tell us all your secrets.

he would've been alright with it, actually. but this time, lorcan was there. lorcan fucking scamander. and hugo wasn't sure if he could cope. the older boy was all hugo could think about for the past two months.

ever since he came to a family get together in the summer, where everyone had actually managed come, hugo couldn't get him out of his mind. the twin was rather attractive, or as hugo would put it, really fucking fit (not to mentioned his great arse which hugo had trouble not fantasising about). hence, hugo had developed this crush on him.

getting up of the sofa, hugo made his way to he circle that was quickly forming on the carpet in front of him. a slight ruffle signalled that lorcan was following him. he dat down next to hugo.

hugo looked around the circle. al and rosie were sat next to one another, amber, rox's girlfriend, hugo thought it was, was sat next to rosie. despite not being intoxicated by alcohol, scorp still joined the circle on al's right. various other people were sat in the circle; jamie, teddy, fred, louis, lysander, lily. and a lot more.

"i get to ask the first person because i'm the oldest!" teddy shouted before anyone else could claim the title from him. his judging gaze landed on scorp. "scorpius, truth of dare."

"truth?" scorpius replied. hugo figured it was quite a good choice since no one knew what they were going to have to do with one of teddy's dare. but his truths weren't so good either.

"do you have a crush on anyone?" teddy's question was quite tame and unexpected of him. hugo was more expecting a 'how many people have you slept with, name them all' kind of question.

"no, i don't think so." scorp truthfully replied. hugo deciphered that scorpius was a shit liar, so always had to tell the truth when it came to these things. or he'd learnt to skilfully dodge round them. "albus! truth or dare."

"dare." al smirked, never one to pick something as (what he considered) easy as a truth.

"i dare you to chug this whole bottle of kopparberg in ten seconds." scorpius handed him the bottle and al placed the rim against him lips. the circle began counting down from ten as al poured the cider down his throat.

these simple truth or dares had been going on for awhile. each one had been getting more promiscuous as they went on. "jamie, you little shit. truth or dare."

"dare." jamie replied. some people gasped, including hugo, as this had been the first time jamie had said dare, after his long list of truths. everyone had been picking him for their turns to ask someone in order to get him to cave and say dare, even hugo had.

"i dare you to, ummmmm, send everyone in your contacts list an accidental sext!" lorcan took a sip of his beer. hugo hadn't expected such a dare from this shy boy next to him.

the twin seemed rather reserved and nervous. but as the night went on, and he had drunk more and more, he'd come out of this introverted shell. and god, was hugo glad. this guy he'd been daydreaming about for the past two months was actually perfect.

"no fucking way! i forfeit. there's no chance i'm gonna do that. imagine dad receiving that!" jamie laughed and shook his head.

the forfeit meant that the rest of the group had to come up with a dare for jamie to do. he'd either have to do the one lorcan said, or the one the group decided.

as hugo scooted closer, the circle closed off jamie. attempted whispers, that were more like shouts, due to the alcohol running through people's veins, of suggestions were thrown across and some were straight up denied, others considered, until and idea came to hugo.

"what if he has to give teddy a lap dance for a whole song?"

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