// thirty six //

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you all aren't ready for this chapter hoooooo boy



teddy had a rather eventful time doing the weekly shop for him and jamie. the latter didn't want to go for some reason unknown to teddy. and he didn't want to starve, so teddy went on his own.

it was a funny little trip, bumping into lorcan scamander. the two hadn't really spoken all that much, but they did kinda know of each other threw the vast majority of the weasley family tree.

it turned out lorcan was buying some chocolate and sweets for a movie night with his boyfriend. and it turned out that that boyfriend was hugo.

teddy figured lorcan had accidentally let that part slip out unintentionally because no one else knew they were together. just those two, and now teddy, he guessed. the two did make a rather cute couple, at least they did how teddy imagined them (and hugo had been crushing on lorcan for a long time now, that part was obvious to anyone with eyes).

so that was a nice run in, but teddy had finished the shop and was walking through the park, back to the flat when his phone buzzed: lorcanamatchbox tagged you in a post. teddy sat down on one of the park benches, resting the shopping by his feet, to look at the post. he also sat down because he needed a break, carrying all that shopping was pretty heavy and exhausting.

he opened it up and laughed at the photo lorcan had posted, commenting something funny and then reading jamie's reply. as soon as he sent the darling on his own reply, he regretted it. but then he got a message from jamie asking him to delete it because it seemed coupley. and then he didn't regret it, but he did as jamie asked, and replace the comment.

he wondered if jamie was somewhat internally homophobic, as if he wasn't outwardly discriminatory, but he didn't know actually internally he was, but didn't realise it. it seemed plausible because jamie freaked out about anything romantic with teddy, even jokingly. or maybe it was just teddy. either way, it did hurt teddy, but it was another thing he'd just have to detail with in his complicated life with jamie. just as long as he kept his feelings confidential, all was well.

but teddy decided to let jamie have some time in the flat alone, to calm himself down and stop being mardy about teddy jokingly calling him darling. so, for a while he sat on the park bench, most likely looking a little lost, but nonetheless still getting excited about the dogs waking past.

when he figured jamie had had enough time, teddy got up, grabbed the bags and headed back to their flat. the walk back was relatively neutral and the only strange things that occurred was when teddy was about to go into the flat, but the door was locked. even when jamie was home alone, he'd never leave it locked. and the second strange thing was the odd muffles coming from behind the door. like he wasn't alone.

teddy figured jamie had just invited al over. maybe... hopefully. he took out his keys and unlocked the door. he froze at the scene before him.

jamie was laid on the sofa, something that would be considered normal. only, it wasn't normal at all. because there were lips attached to his neck, looking as if they were sucking pretty hard, possibly biting a little. and that wasn't normal. and a second non-normal thing about it was that it was a boy. and jamie was most definitely straight. and this scene playing out before teddy was most definitely gay, not straight.

oh, and a third non-normal thing about it was that it was dylan fucking zabini who was on top of jamie. dylan zabini as in fred's ex boyfriend, as in the one who dumped him on valentine's day, as the one who cheated on him. and he was shirtless. very very shirtless.

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