Chapter 3

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Naruto's pov

After I made the deal with Juubi I had somewhere else to be.

I woke up in the cave where I found Juubi and made my way back for Ino.

"Hey kid I sense a very large power source coming from that direction." Juubi says.

"That's the town I left Ino in." I said.

I rushed over to the town and Juubi says the power is getting closer.

"Kid above!" He says

I look up and see lightning striking so I quickly dodge the attacks.

"You've gotten better loser." I heard a voice say

"Kid over there."

"SASUKE UCHIHA!!!!!!" I say in anger.

"Been a long time loser." He says

"Why are you here Uchiha?" I say.

"I was passing through this town to finish a mission and found someone who'll surprise you." He said.

"And I think you know who it is to loser."

He had Ino tied up.

"Ino!!!!! Let her go Sasuke!!!!!"

"I'll let her go after she watches you die." He said

"Sasuke this is between me and you no more holding back." I said

"And this time you won't be putting that chidori in my chest."

He threw Ino to me.

"You know where we have to go you have 20 minutes be there." he said and disappeared

I untied Ino, "Are you alright Ino?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine." She says

"Ino I want you to stay here again." I said.

"But Naruto what about you?" She asks

"I'm gonna go settle an old score with Sasuke."

"Be careful." She says

I carried her back to the hotel and layed her down.

I ran to the place where me and Sasuke fought for the first time.

The Valley of End

When I got their I saw Sasuke sitting under a tree waiting for me.

"I actually didn't think you'd show up loser." Sasuke replied

"This time Sasuke I'm gonna kill you." I said

"Like you could kill me." He said standing up

"Bring it loser." He said

We ran at each other and hit each other, we jumped back and I saw him run threw hand signs fire style: phoenix fire jutsu I saw a bunch of fire balls heading towards me and I dodged all of them.Then he appeared behind me and knocked me into the waterfall. I ran up the wall were Sasuke was standing and lunged at him.

I caught him off guard and grabbed him by his legs and sent him into the stone wall. After that he got up and opened his sharingan and was blocking all of my attacks, until I heard Juubi "kid activate sage mode" i knew before the fight began I knew I was gonna need sage mode so I sent a clone to meditate and now I undid the clone and opened sage mode.

"Getting serious already dobe your more pathetic then Sakura is." He said

"Why are you comparing me to Sakura I'm nothing like her I'm way stronger than her and you." I said

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