Chapter 6

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Naruto's pov

I was leaving raikage's office till Juubi called me into my mindscape.

"What's up?" I asked him

"Naruto I want you to meet someone." He said

"Okay who is it?" I asked looking around

"It's me I'm Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki or otherwise known as the Sage of Six Paths." He said

I was shocked the Sage of Six Paths wants to meet me.

"So why did you call me here?" I asked

"Naruto I see the connection you have with the ten tails and how you already have the rinnegan intact." He stated

"Yeah I toke it from Sasuke and already know how to use it." I said

"Good so I'm just gonna come out and say it I want you to be the new Sage of Six Paths." He said

"Really you want to give me your title and power." I said shocked

"Yes Naruto so what do you say." He asked

"I accept." I said

"Good choice." he said

Then I felt his power rising incredibly.

"Naruto this power now belongs to you and no one alive can stop you." He said

"All you have to do is grab hold of this power and never let go." He said

"Alright." I said and grabbed his power and merged it with my own.

"I feel even stronger than before." I said

"Here a little goodbye present." He said and vanished.

He dropped his staff and it had a note on it 'this is for you my new successor'

"I'll see you later Juubi." I said

"Alright I'm gonna take a nap, Bye kid." He said

I woke up on a bench in the park it was 11 o'clock night I knew Ino was gonna kill me for being this late. I ran threw town trying to get home because me and Ino have school in the morning. I opened the door to my house and closed it gently.I opened Tina's door and found her asleep. I opened me and Ino's room and found her asleep as well. i layed down next to her and set an alarm for 6:30 am and went to sleep.

The next morning


My alarm went off so I woke up Tina because she has school too.

"Tina time to get up." I said waking her up.

"I'm coming daddy." She said tiredly

I fixed Tina and Ino some breakfast.

After Tina finished I walked her to school.

"I'll see you later." I said kissing her head.

"Bye daddy." She said running into the school.

I ran back home to wake Ino up. It was 7 o'clock when I got back and saw Ino eating the breakfast I made her.

"Good morning Ino." I said

"Good morning Naruto." She said

"I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick." I said

"Hurry up school starts at 7:30." She said scolding me.

After I finished my shower I got dressed and ate some breakfast.

"You ready." She asked

"As I'll ever be." I said

Naruto The New Sage Of Six PathsWhere stories live. Discover now