Chapter 20

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Kirito's POV

We landed infront of the Sand I saw him open his chakra form so I drew both my swords and we headed inside. He started floating and he held his arms opposite and shouted "ALMIGHTY PUSH" sending the village into the cliffs that surrounded us. We see the ninja of the village coming towards us and we nod at each other splitting up. I start slashing the ninja left and right "STARBURST STREAM" I yell and I start slashing even faster and killing them. I see Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara show up and I see Naruto drop one of the guys. Gaara and his siblings land infront of us.

"You've destroyed my village Naruto and I get that but I've got a proposition for you if you defeat me and my siblings were let you destroy the village and were join you but if you lose we'll kill you." Gaara says

"I'm just a clone but you've got a deal. Kirito you take Kankuro and Temari. I got Gaara." He says

"Alright." I tell him

Naruto runs at Gaara insanely fast catching him off guard and punching him into one of destroyed buildings and disappearing completely and reappearing fully transformed in his tailed beast form and shooting a beast boom into it destroying the building but Gaara comes out partly transformed into the Shukaku. Naruto lands a few feet from him and Gaara jumps at him trying to claw him but the tails intercept him and he shoots another beast boom at him and Gaara goes down. Kankuro pulls out his puppets and rushes me but I dodge it and I try to run at him but his puppet jumps infront of him taking the attack. Temari jumps at me and crossing her fan against my swords but I flip up sending power into them slashing her. Kankuro tries his puppet attack but I dodge and I cut his chakra that connects to the puppet. Then I run and I slash Kankuro. I see Naruto coming back with an unconscious Gaara.

"Pick up those two and take him. You got 5 minutes to get out the village I'll meet you infront of the village." He says

I pick up Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara and I carry them out of the village. I look up and see Naruto transformed into his ten tails state sending a beast bomb into the sand village completely obliterating it.

"Guess our work here is done." I say to myself

Ichigo's POV

I put my visor on and Naruto opens his chakra form and floats into the sky. I follow him and we land on a building. "GETSUGA TENSHOU" I yell destroying ten of the buildings around us. "PLANETARY RASENSHURIKEN" Naruto yells destroying ten more buildings and starts transforming into the ten tails and forming a tailed beast bomb until the Raikage and a bunch of Cloud ninja come to intercept us. I land infront of them pointing my sword at them while Naruto comes up behind me.

"Uzumaki Naruto you have alot of nerve showing your face to me and my village after what you did to my brother Bee." The Raikage says

"I had to kill Bee I took his bijuu and added it to my collection and now me and my friend Ichigo here are gonna destroy this village once and for all." He says opening the rinnegan in both eyes.

"T-the rinnegan how did you acquire it." Raikage asks shocked

"From my real body he must have killed those pathetic excuse for Uchiha but enough about them it's time to die." He says seriously

I grip my sword tightly and I scream "BANKAI" I see someone with a giant sword run at me I clash with him and Naruto runs at the Raikage killing the 3 people in his way. I kick the guy away and I run at him catching him off guard slashing his body and I kick him into a building "GESTUGA TENSHOU" I send it into the building destroying it and killing him. Naruto punches the the Raikage but he blocks it throwing a punch at him but Naruto blocks it also. Naruto throws a punch going for his head but he blocks it throwing another punch in his stomach sending him flying. He disappears and reappears punching him again and again and again kicking him into the ground and landing right in his chest. Raikage throws a punch at him sending Naruto flying and he gets up "LIGHTNING RELEASE: LARIAT" sending Naruto flying even farther. He gets up and disappears and reappears above him forming a rasenshuriken then slamming it into his back.

"Ichigo meet me infront of the village I got something to take care of." He says

"Sure." I release bankai and my visor and start walking to the village gate.

I look back and see Naruto in his Juubi form and I start running. He jumps up sending a beast bomb into the Cloud Village obliterating everything.

I sigh in relief that he didn't get me.

Izayoi POV

Naruto opens his chakra form and floats into the sky. I jump into the village destroying the ground as I land. Naruto lifts one hand and something starts spinning in the middle of it "SAGE RELEASE: LAVA RASENSHURIKEN" He throws it into a building destroying it then Sound ninja surround us as Naruto floats down and lands next to me. We nod at each other and start moving insanely fast killing all the Sound ninja. Then Orochimaura appears drawing his kushinagi blade and runs at us. Naruto draws his blades and runs at him I shrug my shoulders and I also run at him. I reach him first and he swings his blade but I catch it destroying it completely and Naruto jumps over me and slicing downwards but he appears out a shakes mouth coming at us and I punch him in the face then Naruto slams a rasengan into his face.

"Izayoi head to the vilage gate. I have something to take care of here." He says

"Sure these guys were light work".I saw walking away unimpressed

I look back and see the clone charging up a tailed beast boom and I break for the village gate seeing him obliterate the entire village.

Authors Note: I'll tell Natsu and Luffy story in chapter 21 so stat tuned and sorry it's so late

To be continued....

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