I love you so much

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Last chapter of the story! Thank you for reading!

Getting rid of Taehyung's wings turned out to be a lot harder than they originally thought it would be. Jungkook kept whining about finding feathers in his bed and waking up with a wing pressed against his face. The older didn't mind though cause he could keep kissing Jungkook's pout away every morning.

Yes, they slept together every night because it turned out both boys couldn't sleep alone anymore after everything that happened. Taehyung would scream in his sleep, dreaming the Kiané was still controlling him and continue ruining his life. Jungkook had gotten used to the screams since he became a light sleeper after the demon had shown him all his memories. Jungkook and Taehyung both had some issues sleeping apart but together they could at least comfort each other. Whenever Jungkook woke up feeling drowned into fear he'd calm down with the arms wrapped around him. And every time Taehyung felt like the demon was taking control of him again he was reminded of the fact the Kiané was dead whenever he felt Jungkook's tail wrapped around his waist or leg.

Jungkook still thought the wings needed to go. It was him or the wings. Jimin invented, yes invented, a spell to fold them back into Taehyung's smooth skin which wasn't that painful to the angel.

"Why did the halo disappear but the wings not?", Jungkook grunted, touching the feathery bones that stuck out of Taehyung's body. Taehyung chuckled, scooping the small hybrid in his arms and they took off into the nightsky.

Ever since Jimin created that spell Taehyung could fold and unfold his wings whenever he liked. And on a starry night like this he loved to fly with Jungkook in his arms, occasionally landing on some rooftops to just talk and point at the constellations.

"I still remember the principal's face after Areum explained everything to him. I think she actually threatened to kick his ass next time he didn't care about one of his students", Jungkook giggled, eyes searching for the Ursa Major.

"I think she did kick his ass since it was his fault for never talking to me or taking care of the rumors", Taehyung said. He had a little trouble breathing since the hybrid's head was resting on his stomach but he didn't care. He could stare at Jungkook from this angle and the other wouldn't notice. The way the full moon's light hit the younger's cheekbones really made some summersaults appear in Taehyung's stomach.

"Stop staring at me like that".

Okay so maybe Jungkook could feel the eyes on him. He turned his head to the side so he could look at Taehyung's face.

"How can I not? You're so pretty", the older smiled, fondness taking over his heart as he noticed the faint blush spreading on Jungkook's face.

"I love you so much", he blurted out and he saw the hybrid's face heating up even more.

"I love you too you idiot", Jungkook stuck out his tongue, "You're my handsome dark angel".

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the cliché remark but pulled Jungkook closer anyway, "And you're my cute kitty".

"We should really stop with the sappy shit", he added which made Jungkook laugh against his neck.

"I suddenly feel the urge to buy us matching shirts".

"Oh god no", Taehyung breathed out and heard the hybrid giggle cutely, "Let's never become such a couple".

"Then what sort of couple should we be?"

"Our own kind of couple", Taehyung pecked the other's nose, "The sort of couple that exists out of an angel and a cat".

"That sounds really weird".

"Well I think you're weird".

"Hey, you just said you loved this weird cat".

"I do".

"That's because you're weird yourself-".

"I'm not denying that statement".

"-because you were literally possessed by a demon-"

"I'm aware of that fact".

"Which was kinda creepy of course-"

"Will you just shut up and kiss me already?"

"... fine".

And so was Jungkook quickly silenced as a pair of soft lips pressed themselves against him in a gentle kiss. As he tangled his hands in the other's brown hair he thought to himself how he had ever fallen in love with this boy but then he realized the guy was an angel, and not only literally.


So this was the end of The Dark Inside Of Me. I was REALLY excited for this story line and am really proud of it :0)

Of course I first was a bit frustrated people kept whining about top!tae while I could care less about the top and bottom in this story because the plot was waayyy more important. Maybe you guys noticed I wasn't focusing a lot on their relationship as in other stories. Fuck Off was basically only about the love triangle between Jivkook.

So anyway I will be ending SOGNAB next and have a very exciting book in drafts for all my trusty readers 🦑.

The Dark inside of me

Started: March 4th 2017
Ended: September 9th 2017

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