Where Am I?

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News Reporter: Hello Fox news this is Alex Fairmòns on the scene of a brutal murder. the victims have been identified as 23 year old Bill Gatter and 22 year old Mary Oswert. They both seem to be a married couple, the attacker shot them both dead and then disappeared. HERE! we have found a witness!

Bob Gray: wait, where am i?..

Reporter: Sir, you are in New York. More specifically Times square. anyway can you give us some information on the double murder?

Bob Gray: No,no,no i...it can't be i can't be here i have to go.
*runs away into darkness*
Bob Gray: how did i end up here?

Police: L.A.P.D! put your hands up!

Bob Gray: what did i do, why did you come for me?

Police: you know why we came keep your hands up and walk forward if you do anything suspicious we will blow your brains out, understand me young man.

Bob Gray: ...
* Bob gets taken to police station*
interrogation officer: Hey, you know what you did? speak up

Bob Gray: No..i don't know shit hahahehaha

interrogation officer: Hey! what are you laughing at!? *grabs Beretta*
speak up before i blow your brains out.

Bob Gray: BAHAHAHA go ahead linsy...

Interrogation officer: *drops handgun* ho-how do you know my name?

Bob Gray: * breaks out of hands cuffs and gets up*
oh linsy..haha i have been watching you and i'm very...FOND of you
*Bob magically grows to a vicious clown looking monster*
Pennywise: ARGGGH..BHAHAHA pick up the hand gun you will need it...

* PennyWise Dissapears*
linsy: *on walkie talkie* hello task force 779 we need to find a criminal. identified as Bob Gray....

*PennyWise is back at his sewer*
PennyWise: oh they can't do anything to stop me hehehehaha
*transforms back to himself*

12 hours later

Bob Gray: wha-what happened where am i? why am i in a sewer? why am i still in new york, why?

*eyes slowly shut and is knocked unconscious*

Bobs Mind: It's about to take over...


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