Death From Above

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I'll kill you all! Aha, I'll drive you crazy, and I'll kill you all! I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I am your worst dream come true! I am everything you ever were afraid of!-Pennywise

pennywise was walking the sewers trying to get to linsy. it saw a bright ray of light shining through the sewer hole. penny smiled and said..

Pennywise: your back

he was heading for linsy. its blood was pumping it had an urge to kill, to kill linsy. pennywise was right below the station it shape shifted into a cop and went into the building by the way of teleportation. it entered the building scanning for linsy it found out that linsy had been in the interrogation room frightened. paralyzed by fear. it slowly walked over to the interrogation room and saw linsy in the corner shaking and screaming. her eyes were red, bloodshot there were dark lines on the crease of her eyes her hair was messy and her lips dry, with blood running down the sides. she was in a horrible state but did penny care?
pennywise: oh linsy what happened? scared aha..

linsy: who are you? heha oh i'm going crazy you better get away from me...

*pennywise shapeshifts back*

Pennywise: hello linsy

linsy: *screeching*

*pennywise disappears and is floating above.*

police walk in to see linsy screaming and crying out blood. the police were confused they didn't know why she was screaming. but once they were about to leave penny dropped down and cut them all in half with a simple touch.

pennywise: oh linsy-

linsy: WHY ARE YOU AFTER ME *sobbs*

pennywise: linsy, don't you remember 27 years ago? when you were just 6 years old i dragged you into the sewer and almost killed you if it wasn't for your brother. you would have been floating. well i guess now is my time hahhaahaha.

linsy grabs gun and try's to run, but pennywise the dead light is always a step ahead

Pennywise: We all float down here
Pennywise: They all float down here...


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