||Chapter One||

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Woah! You already found a romantic interest??

But, wait!

He's a loser....?

If you want to be popular, I don't think it would be smart to chill with him.

-But it's totally your choice..!!

The figure nodded with satisfaction.

"Dude there's a person that looks like me behind you..??" You say, the pain and tears going away.

He can't see me! I'm in your head. Like an imaginary friend, but smarter. ...So don't talk out loud to me. Do some cool telepathic stuff!

"What-?" Hoodie Guy lifted his head up and looked behind him.

"...Uh I was trying to be nice but if you're gonna mess with me..." He started to get up.

"W-Wait!! I mean, my Squip activated. I didn't know you couldn't see it until after I said that." You sighed.

"Wow, you're pretty okay when you tell the truth." He snickered.

Wow. That was rude?

The Squip crossed her(?) arms and glared at him.

"I'm gonna, uh, go home and take some pain pills." You breathe, standing up too.

"-You want me to walk you there..?" He asked quickly.

The Squip looked at him curiously.

He noticed where your gaze was focused.

"...Did it say something bad about me or whatever?? Because it's probably true I guess. In all honesty, I only have one friend. And I don't even know if he wants to hang anymore." He shrugged, putting his hood up.

When he puts his hood up, he's upset. Take note of that.

"-I'm sure you still mean a lot to him, though..! I mean you two must've been awesome friends." You say, as he trails his gaze back to you from the ground.

Precipitation incoming. It's gonna rain really bad.

A drop of water hit your shoulder and cascaded slowly down your arm.

"Aw, shit." You sigh.

"What????" Hoodie Guy asked.

"It's gonna rain bad." You point to the dark clouds moving closer to your location.

"Oh. Uh, you don't look like you have an umbrella?" Hoodie Guy looked back to you after noticing the clouds.

You shrugged and shook your head.

He's gonna offer his jacket.

He began taking off his jacket, his head disappearing through the head-hole-thing.

When it was off, his hair seemed a little fluffier from the static.

"-Here." He held his jacket out for you to grab.

Here's your chance!

You stared at him for a moment. "I-I mean, do you want my jacket...?" He breathed nervously when he noticed you were staring.

He's super nice!! It's a shame he's so unpopular.

"If that's really okay with you." You smiled, receiving the bright red article of clothing.

He smiled back, lifting his hand and rubbing the back of his head.

You slipped his jacket on. It was a tad big on you, but warm nonetheless.

"Thank you. Really." You sighed in satisfaction. You turned your focus back to him.

"No problem..!! And, my name is Michael." He nodded, putting his hand down.

You noticed he had a Legend of Zelda shirt on.

"(Y/n)." You breathed, still looking at his shirt.

Isn't that the Tri-Force thing?

"Oh- I forgot to mention something. I-I'm a total geek." He pointed to his shirt.

"Nah! I mean, I guess you are, but not in the bad way! I like video games, too." You smile happily.

He looked up, shocked.

"Wait, really??"

You nodded.

"W-Well, I managed to get my hands on a Nintendo Switch..! ...You wanna come over and play it with me...?" He fiddled with the bottom of his shirt nervously.

"No way! How did you manage to even get one?!" You say, astonished.

"I drove halfway across the state and camped at a store." He nodded in satisfaction.

"Wow." You laughed.

"I live right down the road, actually." Michael said.

"Really? Me too." You smiled again.

He lives literally right next to you.

You face twisted into a shocked expression, leaving Michael confused.

"You live right next to me??"
"I do????"
"The Squip told me that you do."
"...Your Squip stalks me???"

How do you know that?
I can see into the future.
So I actually go to his place?
I mean, I can see probable futures! It depends on which you take.

"My Squip can see the future." You boasted, putting your hands on your hips.

"Woahhh!!" Michael's smile grew.

That's when it actually started pouring rain.

"Oh, shit!!" Michael snapped out of it.

His glasses fogged up, and he furrowed his eyebrows. He reached up and took them off.

"I better get home." You said loudly; the rain was pretty noisy.

"Okay, me too." He nodded.

He swiftly removed his headphones and tucked them in his shirt to keep them dry, and you two went home.

You waved at him before walking in your apartment. He really did live next to you in the complex.

You were in your room, sitting on your bed. The Squip was sitting on the floor, completely still.

You were confused at the moment, because the inside of the sleeve of his jacket left something on your arm.

It's concealing makeup.

"Why would he have concealer..?" You look over to the Squip.

You figured he had to hide something on his arm. But it was also rubbed off on a part of his hood.

What did he have to hide?

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