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 A/N: This is my first Narnia AU story. Sorry to all Suspian fans! It's not like I don't ship these two together, I quite like them as a couple, actually. But I prefer to pair the male characters to my own OC, therefore this is Caspian/OC pairing. Contains fluffy stuff and the next chapter (which is going to be the last) shall be my first attempt at writing smut - gods! Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment or review but please, don't be too harsh on me :-)
And of course I don't own the characters from the original storybook by C. S. Lewis.

The moon was standing high at the dark night sky, its light beautifully reflecting on the calm surface of the sea. Thousands of stars were brightly shining down, delicately shimmering like the most precious diamonds hanging up above. The sea was humming softly as a wave after wave came slamming against the white sandy shore. Gentle summer breeze was rippling the warm air every now and then, making the girl's hair flutter around her head.

She was sitting on the white sand, right below the rock cliff and observing the breathtaking beauty of this strange land, enjoying these quiet moments she had managed to steal for herself. Her mind was buzzing with so many thoughts and unanswered questions and she had a feeling that some of them would haunt her for the rest of her life.

She sighed, sadness clouding her face as she realized that this was the last night here in Narnia for tomorrow they were all returning back to their world. She found it very unfair, this was the first night without otherwise pervasive worries about the upcoming battle which was now finally over. The first night when she could take a deep breath and look around. And it was going to be her last.

She could still hear the distant tones of music and sounds of people singing and laughing, celebrating their new king with endless glee. She was happy for them, being sure that Caspian would be a good king for the country and its inhabitants, both Telmarines and Narnians. It was obvious that the land had received its happy ending and she felt honored to be a witness of it all. There was no way she could say she was a part of it because honestly, she wasn't. She was not a queen nor a warrior and she hadn't done anything to ensure their victory. Even now she couldn't fathom why she had been brought here in the first place.

Staring far in the distance, somewhere beyond the horizon, and being burried deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed a figure slowly approaching her.

"Haven't you enjoyed yourself at the celebration?" a male voice cut through the peaceful silence.

The girl jumped up on the instant, "Caspian." she breathed out. "You startled me."

The newly crowned king only smirked playfully, "Please accept my apology, lady Elise. I had no intention to do so."

"How many times do I have to remind you not to call me a lady. I have no such title in my world, nor here. I'm just.. Elise." she said rather sternly.

"I am really sorry, I tend to keep forgetting that." the king replied and offered her a hesitant smile, "You still have not answered my question."

"What?" Elise frowned in confusion.

"Why are you here and not up there? Did you not like the feast?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, the celebration.. well, yes, it's been fabulous but.. I.. uh, I just wanted to be alone for a while." she stuttered and casted her eyes down for a second before meeting his again. And when she did, she caught a glimpse of hurt or sadness crossing his features.

"I understand." he bowed in front of her. "I shall leave you to your quiet contemplation then." And he was about to turn around and march back to the party.

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